salesforce - The LIKE operator in SOQL does not escape special character -

hi below soql qoery

select id,name, dodge_report_number__c,project_name__c,bid_date__c,gc_awarded__c,action_stage__c,target_start_date__c,project_valuation_high__c,project_valuation_low__c,type_of_work__c,, removed_by__r.lastname ,removed_by__r.firstname,reason_removed_comments__c,reason_why_project_removed__c,branch_id__c dodge_project__c branch_id__c != null , createddate >= last_quarter , createddate <= this_quarter , job_profile_status__c not in('created','removed') , branch_id__c in('101','102','909','903','941','994','217','904') , (action_stage__c in ('start','construction') or gc_awarded__c = true) , (name 'p@#$&(%' or dodge_report_number__c 'p@#$&(%' or project_name__c 'p@#$&(%' or action_stage__c 'p@#$&(%' or type_of_work__c 'p@#$&(%' or 'p@#$&(%' or reason_why_project_removed__c 'p@#$&(%' or branch_id__c 'p@#$&(%') order name asc nulls first 

i getting error "invalid character found in filter value "p@#$&(%" used "like" operator".

if write query

select id,name,   dodge_report_number__c,project_name__c,bid_date__c,gc_awarded__c,action_stage__c,target_start_date__c,project_valuation_high__c,pro  ject_valuation_low__c,type_of_work__c,, removed_by__r.lastname   ,removed_by__r.firstname,reason_removed_comments__c,reason_why_project_removed__c,branch_id__c dodge_project__c   branch_id__c != null , createddate >= last_quarter , createddate <= this_quarter , job_profile_status__c not in  ('created','removed') , branch_id__c in('101','102','909','903','941','994','217','904') , (action_stage__c in   ('start','construction') or gc_awarded__c = true) , ( project_name__c 'p@#$&(%' ) order name asc nulls first 

it working fine.

what issue? thanks.


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