How to disply timdstamp column with specific format in Spring Data JPA -

i using spring data jpa , have table below:

public class apk {    @temporal(temporaltype.timestamp)   @column   private creationtime;  } 

my dbms mysql5.x , above column defined datetime type in it. call findal() method in repository class extends paginandsortingrepository.

public interface apksrepository extends paginandsortingrepository<apk, long>{  }   public class apksserviceimpl implements apksservice {      public pagingres<apk> findall(pageinfo pageinfo){         paginres<apk> result = new pagingres<apk>();          page page = apksrepos.findall(pageinfo.topagerequest());         result.frompage(page);          return result;     } }  public class pageinfo {    private int page;   private int rp;   private string sortname;   private string sortorder;   private string query;   private string qtype;    //getters , setters    public pagerequest topagerequest() {       sort.direction direction = sort.direction.asc;      if (sortorder!=null && "desc".equals(sortorder))          direction = sort.direction.desc;      return new pagerequest(page-1, rp, direction, sortname);   } }   public class pagingres<t> {     private long total;    private int page;    private int rowperpage;    private list<t> rows;     //getters , setters     public pagingres<t> frompage(page page) { = page.getnumber();        this.rowperpage = page.getsize(); = page.gettotalelements();        this.rows = page.getcotent();        return this;    } } 

and trying display data in table including column when did it, column shown long type. wan display column in fomat 'dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss'. how can this?

thanks in advance.

i knew jackson mapper json response giving weird result. after searching, used jsonserializer fix below:

entity class                @jsonserialize(using=audateserializer.class)                 private eventtime;     custom serializer               public class audateserializerextends jsonserializer<date> {               @override               public void serialize(date value, jsongenerator gen, serializerprovider provider) throws ioexception, jsonprocessingexception {                 dateformat formatter = new simpledateformat("dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss");                 jgen.writestring(formatter.format(value));               }             } 

now works fine. thanks.


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