c# - Does NPOI have support to .xlsx format? -

will npoi dll recognize .xlsx file?

currently i'm using npoi 1.2.5 version dll microsoft excel 97-2003, need access excel sheets of extension .xlsx also.

will npoi support above?

code snippet:

static void main(string[] args) {     xssfworkbook xssfwb;      using(filestream file=new filestream(             @"c:\users\347702\desktop\hello.xlsx",             filemode.open, fileaccess.read)) {         xssfwb=new xssfworkbook(file);     }      isheet sheet=xssfwb.getsheet("sheet1");     sheet.getrow(1048576);     console.writeline(sheet.getrow(1048576).getcell(0).stringcellvalue); } 

yes does. npoi 2.0 beta works. here's sample code started:

class program { static xssfworkbook hssfworkbook; static dataset dataset1 = new dataset();  static void main(string[] args) {     initializeworkbook(@"e:\docs\hourswidget_rtm.xlsx");     xlsxtodt();      displaydata(dataset1.tables[0]);      console.readline(); }  static void initializeworkbook(string path) {     using (filestream file = new filestream(path, filemode.open, fileaccess.read))     {         hssfworkbook = new xssfworkbook(file);     } }  static void xlsxtodt() {     datatable dt = new datatable();     isheet sheet = hssfworkbook.getsheetat(1);     irow headerrow = sheet.getrow(0);     ienumerator rows = sheet.getrowenumerator();      int colcount = headerrow.lastcellnum;     int rowcount = sheet.lastrownum;      (int c = 0; c < colcount; c++)     {          dt.columns.add(headerrow.getcell(c).tostring());     }      bool skipreadingheaderrow = rows.movenext();     while (rows.movenext())     {         irow row = (xssfrow)rows.current;         datarow dr = dt.newrow();          (int = 0; < colcount; i++)         {             icell cell = row.getcell(i);              if (cell != null)             {                 dr[i] = cell.tostring();             }         }         dt.rows.add(dr);     }      hssfworkbook = null;     sheet = null;     dataset1.tables.add(dt); }  static void displaydata(datatable table) {     foreach (datarow row in table.rows)     {         foreach (datacolumn col in table.columns)         {             console.writeline("{0} = {1}", col.columnname, row[col]);         }         console.writeline("-------------------------------------------");     } } } 


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