root - How to Shutdown Android 4.0 rooted Device programatically -
please me find out solution this, know there many questions , duplicates same here describe whole things tried.
i have 1 android device installed 4.0 version of android. want shutdown device using 1 demo application.
1) demo application signed platform keys used in built in file system. 2) device rooted development board , have permissions on this.
application contains following things
1) application system application 2) application signed platform keys used in built in file system.
for make automation easier, did import key/cert
pair java keystore
file, keytool-importkeypair , use eclipse signing.
used command mentioned below.
commad : keytool-importkeypair -k ~/desktop/myown.keystore -p android -pk8 platform.pk8 -cert platform.x509.pem -alias platform
i used following code reboot never make success in .i read many questions , answers on stackoverflow said require
1) root access of device 2) signed apk 1 keys available on `build/target/product/security/` 3) given proper permission in androidmanifest.xml file.
am right in alomg points?
application code :
first try
public static void shutdown2() { runtime runtime = runtime.getruntime(); process proc = null; outputstreamwriter osw = null; string command = "/system/bin/reboot -p"; try { // run script proc = runtime.exec("/system/xbin/su"); osw = new outputstreamwriter(proc.getoutputstream()); osw.write(command); osw.flush(); osw.close(); } catch (ioexception ex) { ex.printstacktrace(); } { if (osw != null) { try { osw.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } try { if (proc != null) proc.waitfor(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } if (proc.exitvalue() != 0) { } }
second try :
private void shutdown3() { try { string[] cmd = { "/system/bin/sh","su","reboot -p"}; process proc = runtime.getruntime().exec(cmd); proc.waitfor(); } catch (exception ex) { log.i("tag", "could not reboot 3 ", ex); } }
3rd try :
private void shutdown() { try { process proc = runtime.getruntime().exec( new string[] { "/system/bin/su", "-c", "/system/bin/reboot -p" }); proc.waitfor(); } catch (exception ex) { log.i("tag", "could not reboot 1 ", ex); } }
in 3rd method tried "/system/bin/su"
the below code worked me
process process = runtime.getruntime() .exec(new string[]{ "su", "-c", "busybox poweroff -f"}); process.waitfor();
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