javascript - Update flot chart with slider -

hi have 2 scripts , want make 1 of them. value of slider chart if use slider chart don't make changes. tried different plot.draw(); don't find working solution.

what must do? can me please?

$(function () {      /*--------------------------------------------------     plugin: slider     --------------------------------------------------*/      /* increment slider */     $( "#incrementslider" ).slider({         range: "min",         value:1500,         min: 0,         max: 10000,         step: 100,         slide: function( event, ui ) {             $( "#incrementamount" ).text ("txt: " +  ui.value + "€");          }     });      $( "#incrementamount" ).text ( "txt: " + $( "#incrementslider" ).slider( "value" ) + "€" );       var ds = [];     var data = [];      ds.push ([[1,$( "#incrementslider" ).slider( "value" )]]);     ds.push ([[1,$( "#incrementslider" ).slider( "value" ) - $( "#incrementslider" ).slider( "value" ) / 100 * 19,5]]);     ds.push ([[1,$( "#incrementslider" ).slider( "value" ) / 100 * 19,5]]);      data.push ({         data: ds[0],          label: 'graph1',          bars: {         barwidth: 0.15,              order: 1         }     });     data.push   ({         data: ds[1],          label: 'graph2',          bars: {         barwidth: 0.15,              order: 2         }     });     data.push ({         data: ds[2],          label: 'graph3',          bars: {         barwidth: 0.15,              order: 3         }     });      charts.vertical ('#vertical-chart', data);   }); 

plot.draw() wont reset data or scale axis, easier re-plot whole graph (performance-wise wont notice difference)


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