PHP Regex to get img inside WP Caption -

i want img tag inside caption tag


[caption id="attachment_5433" align="aligncenter" width="413"]     <a href="abc.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-5433" title="this title" src="abc.jpg" alt="this alt" width="413" height="551"></a>this desc [/caption] 

and result:

<img class=" wp-image-5433" title="this title" src="abc.jpg" alt="this alt" width="413" height="551"> 

how php regex?

<?php     $string = '[caption id="attachment_5433" align="aligncenter" width="413"]     <a href="abc.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-5433" title="this title" src="abc.jpg" alt="this alt" width="413" height="551"></a>this desc [/caption]';      $result = preg_match_all("/\[caption.*?].*?(<img.*?\/?>).*?\[\/caption]/s", $string, $matches);      print_r($matches); ?> 


array (     [0] : array         (             [0] : '[caption id="attachment_5433" align="aligncenter" width="413"]     <a href="abc.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-5433" title="this title" src="abc.jpg" alt="this alt" width="413" height="551"></a>this desc [/caption]'         )      [1] : array         (             [0] : '<img class=" wp-image-5433" title="this title" src="abc.jpg" alt="this alt" width="413" height="551">'         )  ) 

update, replace callback

<?php     $string = '[caption id="attachment_5433" align="aligncenter" width="413"]     <a href="abc.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-5433" title="this title" src="abc.jpg" alt="this alt" width="413" height="551"></a>this desc [/caption]';      echo preg_replace_callback('/\[caption.*?].*?(<img.*?\/?>).*?\[\/caption]/s', function($matches) {         return $matches[1];     }, $string); ?> 


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