javascript - Fill div content with array row data, selected by button click - only returning last row -
i have stripped page of bells , whistles try , work - have 5 buttons , div. page reads in rows of data google spreadsheet , populates array data[].
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['table']}); var i, j, x, k; var data = new array(); var headers = new array(); var numrows, numcols; function onldquery() { var url = '', query = new google.visualization.query(url); query.setquery('select * b != "" , v> 0 order v desc limit 20'); query.send(handleonldresponse); } function handleonldresponse(response) { if (response.iserror()) { alert('error in query: ' + response.getmessage() + ' ' + response.getdetailedmessage()); return; } numrows = response.getdatatable().getnumberofrows(); numcols = response.getdatatable().getnumberofcolumns(); console.log(numrows); (i = 0; < numrows; i++) { (j = 0; j < numcols; j++) { headers[j] = response.getdatatable().getcolumnlabel(j); data[i,j] = response.getdatatable().getvalue(i, j); console.log(data[i,j]); } } loaddata(0); } function loaddata(x) { console.log(x); console.log(data[x,1]); console.log(numcols); $('#test_card').html(""); (k = 0; k < numcols;k++) { $('#test_card').html($('#test_card').html() + data[x,k] + "<br>"); } } </script> </head> <body onload="onldquery()"> <button id="btn1" onclick="loaddata(1);">1</button> <button id="btn2" onclick="loaddata(2);">2</button> <button id="btn3" onclick="loaddata(3);">3</button> <button id="btn4" onclick="loaddata(4);">4</button> <button id="btn5" onclick="loaddata(5);">5</button> <div id="test_card"> </div> </body> </html>
it loads data correctly data[]
array, based on console dump, cannot work out why load last line of data array when a: loading page, , b: trying load different row div clicking on 1 of buttons.
try using .append()
$('#test_card').append(data[x,k] + "<br>");
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