plsql - Need help to get a file as a whole in a single mail which is of the size 4 mb in oracle PL/SQL -

the below code in pl/sql procedure checks byte size , if above 30000 bytes iterates data , sends mail attachments(txt file through multiple mails) every 30000 bytes(30 kb).
need get file whole in single mail of size 4 mb in oracle pl/sql.

the data type of lv_message_tab varchar2(32767) . can user clob datatype instead of *varchar2(32767),*if yes please suggest how.

thanks million in advance !!!

for lv_idx in 1..pv_message.count       loop          lv_message := lv_message||pv_message(lv_idx)|| lv_cr;           if length(lv_message) >= 30000                     lv_message_tab.extend;           lv_message_tab(lv_message_tab.last) := lv_message;           lv_message := null;           end if;        end loop; --this send attachment 30000 characters , above       if lv_message_tab.count > 0                    lv_idx in 1..lv_message_tab.count            loop                utl_smtp.helo(lv_conn, lv_smtp_host);               utl_smtp.mail(lv_conn, gc_sender);               utl_smtp.rcpt(lv_conn, lv_to_email_ids);               utl_smtp.rcpt(lv_conn, lv_cc_email_ids);       ,               'date: '   || to_char(sysdate, gc_dd_month_yyyy_format) || lv_cr ||               'from: '   || gc_sender || lv_cr ||               'subject: '|| lv_subject || lv_cr ||               'to: '     || lv_to_email_ids || lv_cr ||               'cc: '     || lv_cc_email_ids || lv_cr ||                'mime-version: 1.0'|| lv_cr ||    -- use mime mail standard               'content-type: multipart/mixed;'|| lv_cr ||               ' boundary="-----secbound"'|| lv_cr ||                 lv_cr ||                '-------secbound'|| lv_cr ||               'content-type: text/plain;'|| lv_cr ||               ' name="excel.csv"'|| lv_cr ||               'content-transfer_encoding: 8bit'|| lv_cr ||               'content-disposition: attachment;'|| lv_cr ||               ' filename="'||pv_file_name||'"'|| lv_cr ||               lv_cr ||lv_message_tab(lv_idx)               || lv_cr ||   -- content of attachment               lv_cr ||                 '-------secbound--' );               end loop;        end if;        --this send attachment rest of data...for last few iterations       if lv_message not null                    utl_smtp.helo(lv_conn, lv_smtp_host);           utl_smtp.mail(lv_conn, gc_sender);           utl_smtp.rcpt(lv_conn, lv_to_email_ids);           utl_smtp.rcpt(lv_conn, lv_cc_email_ids);   ,           'date: '   || to_char(sysdate, gc_dd_month_yyyy_format) || lv_cr ||           'from: '   || gc_sender || lv_cr ||           'subject: '|| lv_subject || lv_cr ||           'to: '     || lv_to_email_ids || lv_cr ||           'cc: '     || lv_cc_email_ids || lv_cr ||            'mime-version: 1.0'|| lv_cr ||    -- use mime mail standard           'content-type: multipart/mixed;'|| lv_cr ||           ' boundary="-----secbound"'|| lv_cr ||             lv_cr ||            '-------secbound'|| lv_cr ||           'content-type: text/plain;'|| lv_cr ||           ' name="excel.csv"'|| lv_cr ||           'content-transfer_encoding: 8bit'|| lv_cr ||           'content-disposition: attachment;'|| lv_cr ||           ' filename="'||pv_file_name||'"'|| lv_cr ||           lv_cr ||lv_message           || lv_cr ||   -- content of attachment           lv_cr ||             '-------secbound--' );           end if;        utl_smtp.quit(lv_conn);       pv_rtn := true;  else      pv_rtn := false;  end if; 

i calling procedure giving input collection table like


sp1_send_letter_attach_wal(pv_job_id in job.job_id%type,                            pv_status in job_transaction_details.status_id%type,                            pv_subject in varchar2,                            pv_message in stringtable,                            pv_file_name in varchar2,                            pv_date_time in date default sysdate,                            pv_rtn out boolean);  

i want store data of variable pv_message variable lv_message clob datatype.

lv_message clob; 

how store lv_message := pv_message (i.e collection datatype clob type). tried typecast using 'to_clob()' function lv_message = to_clob(pv_message) didn't work.

try use in loop utl_smtp.write_data procedure instead of creating whole mail.

i can't test it, should this:

          utl_smtp.helo(lv_conn, lv_smtp_host);           utl_smtp.mail(lv_conn, gc_sender);           utl_smtp.rcpt(lv_conn, lv_to_email_ids);           utl_smtp.rcpt(lv_conn, lv_cc_email_ids);   ,           'date: '   || to_char(sysdate, gc_dd_month_yyyy_format) || lv_cr ||           'from: '   || gc_sender || lv_cr ||           'subject: '|| lv_subject || lv_cr ||           'to: '     || lv_to_email_ids || lv_cr ||           'cc: '     || lv_cc_email_ids || lv_cr ||            'mime-version: 1.0'|| lv_cr ||    -- use mime mail standard           'content-type: multipart/mixed;'|| lv_cr ||           ' boundary="-----secbound"'|| lv_cr ||             lv_cr ||            '-------secbound'|| lv_cr ||           'content-type: text/plain;'|| lv_cr ||           ' name="excel.csv"'|| lv_cr ||           'content-transfer_encoding: 8bit'|| lv_cr ||           'content-disposition: attachment;'|| lv_cr ||           ' filename="'||pv_file_name||'"'|| lv_cr ||           lv_cr;   -- importent part (other parts taken question , moved out of loop)       lv_idx in 1..lv_message_tab.count        loop           utl_smtp.write_data(lv_conn, lv_message_tab(lv_idx));        end loop;       utl_smtp.write_data(lv_conn,lv_cr ||   -- content of attachment           lv_cr ||'-------secbound--' );    

there used package called demo_mail on otn can't find it...
if find it, it's usefull.


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