msbuild - MS Build Conditions -
i have couple of conditional statements in property group of project:
<propertygroup> <configuration condition=" '$(configuration)' == '' ">debug</configuration> <platform condition=" '$(platform)' == '' ">x86</platform> </propertygroup>
i trying figure out mean? condition = blank
, platform = blank
? tags have actual data? how interpret?
does mean configuration can , platform can anything, or mean property group applies configuration=debug|platform=x86?
if assumption correct, can copy entire property group , set values configuration , platform release
, anycpu
<propertygroup> <configuration condition=" '$(configuration)' == '' ">release</configuration> <platform condition=" '$(platform)' == '' ">anycpu</platform> </propertygroup>
if property configuration == ''
set debug same platform in effect setting default when 1 not specified
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