css - Collapsed Bootstrap accordion panels expanding outside DIV when opened -
i'm using accordion featured part of bizstrap responsive website theme. default bottom panel open.
the settings accordion per template, other setting class , height panels closed:
<a href="#collapseone" data-parent="#accordion2" data-toggle="collapse" class="accordion-toggle collapsed"> panel title</a> </div> <div class="accordion-body collapse" id="collapseone" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="accordion-inner">
the development page here.
i tried have set first panel open. problem in instance when panels below top 1 opened, top panel remains open , content second panel extends outside of container div. strangely if clicked on top panel first, , ones below accordion functioned correctly. class 'accordion-toggle e' , height set 'auto'. development page here.
i've not set accordions using bootstrap , having tough time getting head around it. if has pointers in helping me achieve either of these results i'd appreciate it!!!
the reason accordion content overflowing containing <div>
in-line height being set, -
<div style="height: 188px;" id="accordion2" class="accordion in collapse">
just remove height.
if want accordion panels closed on load remove class in
as in-
<div id="accordion2" class="accordion collapse">
see related question-
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