drop down menu - How can I change the dropdownlist's options? -
i'm newbie in asp.net i'm hoping give me on dropdownlist bound table.
here's scenario:
i have table account fields userid, username , type. type field contains 3 items: 's', 'a', , 'u'. each user has own type. have dropdownlist named 'ddltype'
bound on account table. however, want options of dropdownlist displayed 'stakeholder', 'approver', , 'user' instead of displaying letters/initials only. since not prefer making changes in database, how can change options through code behind?
here's code:
public void bindcontrols(int selecteduserid) { datatable dtaccount = null;
try { dtaccount = logbal.getaccountdetails(selecteduserid); if (dtaccount.rows.count > 0) { lbluserid.text = dtaccount.rows[0]["userid"].tostring(); txtusername.text = dtaccount.rows[0]["username"].tostring(); ddltype.selectedvalue = dtaccount.rows[0]["type"].tostring(); } } catch (exception ex) { throw ex; } { dtaccount.dispose(); }
any guys appreciated. in advanced! :d
you can bind dropdownlist in codebehind.
get data "type" array. make array 2 dimentional , assign values it.
after having data array looks this, string[,] types = { { "stakeholder", "s" }, { "approver", "a" }, { "user", "u" } };
now assign values dropdown, int rows = types.getupperbound(0);
int columns = types.getupperbound(1);
ddltype.items.clear(); (int currentrow = 0; currentrow <= rows; currentrow++)
listitem li = new listitem();
(int currentcolumn = 0; currentcolumn <= columns; currentcolumn++)
if (currentcolumn == 0)
li.text = types[currentrow, currentcolumn];
li.value = types[currentrow, currentcolumn];
i haven't tested work.
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