extjs - how to embed one html page in extjs4 -
i started extjs 4, current problem: insert html code. here need insert code 'items'. lack of experience should not done. looking forward receiving people
"here code"
ext.define('mydesktop.mytree', { extend: 'ext.ux.desktop.module', requires: [ 'ext.tree.panel', 'ext.data.treestore', 'ext.form.field.htmleditor', ], id:'tree', init : function(){ this.launcher = { //title text: 'my computer', //icon iconcls:'notepad' }; }, createwindow : function(){ var desktop = this.app.getdesktop(); var win = desktop.getwindow('tree'); if(!win){ win = desktop.createwindow({ id: 'tree', title:'mycomputer', width:600, height:400, iconcls: 'notepad', animcollapse:false, border: false, hidemode: 'offsets', columns:3, items: [ { }, ] }); } return win; } });
there 3 way can apply html code in extjs 1. html config 2. autoel config 3. xtemplate class
please refer below link guidelines , example.
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