apache camel - What does 'moveFailed' really do? -

i want create file input behaves follows:

  1. process exchange
  2. attempt copy input file shared drive
  3. if step (2) fails (e.g. share down) move local file instead

following doc 'movefailed' parameter allows "set different target directory when moving files after processing (configured via move defined above) failed". sounds movefailed cover step (3).

the following test, fails...what doing wrong ? using camel 2.10.0.fuse.

package sandbox.camel;  import java.io.file;     import org.apache.camel.endpoint; import org.apache.camel.builder.routebuilder; import org.apache.camel.component.mock.mockendpoint; import org.junit.test;  public class movefailedtest extends org.apache.camel.test.junit4.cameltestsupport {      private string faileddir = "move-failed";      @override     protected routebuilder createroutebuilder() throws exception {         return new routebuilder() {                @override             public void configure() throws exception {                 from("file:tmp/prepare").to("file:tmp/input");                 from("file:tmp/input?move=/doesnotexist&movefailed=" + faileddir).to("file:tmp/output");             }         };     }              @test     public void test_move() throws exception {          // arrange         file movefaileddir = new file("tmp/input/" + faileddir);         movefaileddir.mkdirs();         file[] failedcount1 = movefaileddir.listfiles();         failedcount1 = failedcount1 == null ? new file[0] : failedcount1;         string messagepayload = "hello";          endpoint input = getmandatoryendpoint("file:tmp/prepare");         mockendpoint output = getmockendpoint("mock:file:tmp/output");         output.setminimumexpectedmessagecount(1);         output.expectedbodiesreceived(messagepayload);          // act         template.asyncsendbody(input, messagepayload);         thread.sleep(3000);          // assert: 1 output         assertmockendpointssatisfied();         // assert: renamed failed, hence input file moved 'movefailed' directory         file[] failedcount2 = movefaileddir.listfiles();         assertequals("no file appeared in 'movefailed' directory", failedcount1.length + 1, failedcount2.length);     }  } 

your test wrong. autocreate option default true, means directories created if needed.


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