dropdown in html with tool tip jquery & html -
i have dorpdown in html, content of cuts in ie there not enough space make width enough wide.
so want when in click on drop down , option collapse, 1 tool tip (div) should appear beside dropdown shows full content of option on mouse cursor is, or if using keyboard on change of div content should change. , on lost focus of drop down div should disappear.
here code require modification...
$("select").change(function () { $('selectdiv').html($("select option:selected").text()); });
problem code is, not show div on top when click drop down. , content not change option change on mouse or on keyboard
do this?
$("select").on('focus', function () { $('selectdiv').html($("select option:selected").text()); $('selectdiv').animate({opacity:1}); }); $("select").on('blur', function () { $('selectdiv').html(''); $('selectdiv').animate({opacity:0}); });
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