postgresql - Handling Exception From C Function -
i have function calling function c library. there anyway can catch exception postgres function that's calling c function?
here's function i'm calling:
-- function: public.st_makevalid(geometry) -- drop function public.st_makevalid(geometry); create or replace function public.st_makevalid(geometry) returns geometry '$libdir/postgis-2.0', 'st_makevalid' language c immutable strict cost 100; alter function public.st_makevalid(geometry) owner postgres; comment on function public.st_makevalid(geometry) 'args: input - attempts make invalid geometry valid w/out loosing vertices.';
here function i'm calling from:
create or replace function public.mango_repair(geometry) returns geometry $body$ declare the_geom geometry := $1; reason text := st_isvalidreason(the_geom); begin if reason 'self-intersection%' the_geom = st_makevalid(st_boundary(the_geom)); end if; return the_geom; exception when others raise notice 'something went wrong'; return the_geom; end; $body$ language plpgsql stable strict cost 100; alter function public.mango_repair(geometry) owner postgres;
and here's how i'm calling sql:
update "test_layer" set the_geom = mango_repair(the_geom) not st_isvalid(the_geom);
when run sql following error , mango_repair function doesn't enter exception block expected.
here error message i'm receiving:
error: geometry type (multilinestring) not match column type (multipolygon) ********** error ********** error: geometry type (multilinestring) not match column type (multipolygon) sql state: 22023
if i'm guessing mean correctly, suspect have postgresql function implemented in c raising postgresql exception. if so, can't catch , handle in normal sql - can use pl/pgsql begin ... exception
block. see pl/pgsql documentation details on exception handling features.
further discussion revealed real problem nothing exception handling, , in fact mismatch between geometry types in update
query function being called from.
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