performance - WPF poor perfomance of loading images on WindowsXP -
i have code load image thumbs , display them in listbox. works on win7. on windows xp takes seven-ten minutes load few big images, while on 7 takes seconds. how can speed up?
public static string addimage(string file) { string key = "img_" + (++_counter).tostring("00000"); imageinfo inf = new imageinfo(); inf.originalpath = file; = key; inf.originalpath = file; bitmapimage bi = new bitmapimage(); bi.begininit(); bi.decodepixelwidth = thumb_size; bi.cacheoption = bitmapcacheoption.onload; bi.urisource = new uri(file); bi.endinit(); inf.thumbbitmap = bi; _storedimageinfo.add(key, inf); return key; }
imageinfo own class containing references bitmapimages , images' path. not think has major influence on loading times.
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