c#:Copy excel workbook to another -
i have written code copy of worksheets new excel file. below c# code, problem named cells missing, , have checked in excel-2010.
c# code:
string strpath=@"c:\newfolder\somexcelfile.xls"; excel.workbook souworkbook = xcel.workbooks.open(strpath); excel.workbook destworkbook = xcel.workbooks.add(); foreach (excel.worksheet wksheet in souworkbook.worksheets) { wksheet.copy(destworkbook.worksheets[1]); } destworkbook.savecopyas("c:\newfolder\copy.xls");
if need copy named cells, use following code sample
sub copy_all_defined_names() ' loop through of defined names in active ' workbook. each x in activeworkbook.names ' add each defined name active workbook ' target workbook ("book2.xls" or "book2.xlsm"). ' "x.value" refers cell references ' defined name points to. workbooks("book2.xls").names.add name:=x.name, _ refersto:=x.value next x end sub
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