iis 7.5 - Delphi XE2 64 bit ISAPI Access Violation -
windows server 2008 r2 64 bit iis 7.5 delphi xe2
i made simple webservice/isapi dll using delphi xe2. web service has function returns sum of 2 numbers , made simple client application test function. when compile (along client) 32 bit application (in virtual directory 32-bit enabled app pool), works fine
when compile 64 bit dll (the client compiled 64-bit aplication) alws access violation error "class eremotableexception message 'access violation @ address 0000000002199f33 in module 'mywebservice.dll'. read of address 0000000000000000'."
i checked iis7.5 permissions should (the 32 bit isapi dll works fine) , problem kept appearing.
here quick test feed back:
if used tremotable class descendant pass data in procedure --> no pb
however, writing simple function returns integer causes access violation. tried use native wndows data types such int64 without luck.
did 1 had such problem before? because frankly desperate.
here code:
this webmodule interface
{ invokable interface imydebugmodule } unit mydebugmoduleintf; interface uses soap.invokeregistry, system.types, soap.xsbuiltins; type { invokable interfaces must derive iinvokable } imydebugmodule = interface(iinvokable) ['{02a5ad69-24e4-447b-8882-804da687a0f2}'] { methods of invokable interface must not use default } { calling convention; stdcall recommended } //function myfunc():double;stdcall; function myfunc():int64;stdcall; end; implementation initialization { invokable interfaces must registered } invregistry.registerinterface(typeinfo(imydebugmodule)); end.
and implementaion
{ invokable implementation file tmydebugmodule implements imydebugmodule } unit mydebugmoduleimpl; interface uses soap.invokeregistry, system.types, soap.xsbuiltins, mydebugmoduleintf; type { tmydebugmodule } tmydebugmodule = class(tinvokableclass, imydebugmodule) public function myfunc():int64;stdcall; end; implementation { tmydebugmodule } function tmydebugmodule.myfunc: int64; begin result := 101; end; { tmydebugmodule } initialization { invokable classes must registered } invregistry.registerinvokableclass(tmydebugmodule); end.
and here client app wsdl pascal file:
// ************************************************************************ // // types declared in file generated data read // wsdl file described below: // wsdl : c:\myworkingdir64\mytests\webservicedebug\client\imydebugmodulewsdl.xml // version : 1.0 // (19/04/2013 09:46:52 - - $rev: 37707 $) // ************************************************************************ // unit imydebugmodulewsdl; interface uses invokeregistry, soaphttpclient, types, xsbuiltins; type // ************************************************************************ // // following types, referred in wsdl document not being represented // in file. either aliases[@] of other types represented or referred // never[!] declared in document. types latter category // typically map predefined/known xml or embarcadero types; however, // indicate incorrect wsdl documents failed declare or import schema type. // ************************************************************************ // // !:long - "http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema"[] // ************************************************************************ // // namespace : urn:mydebugmoduleintf-imydebugmodule // soapaction: urn:mydebugmoduleintf-imydebugmodule#myfunc // transport : http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http // style : rpc // use : encoded // binding : imydebugmodulebinding // service : imydebugmoduleservice // port : imydebugmoduleport // url : http://devserver2008/bahaadebug/bahaadebug.dll/soap/imydebugmodule // ************************************************************************ // imydebugmodule = interface(iinvokable) ['{64033e30-8d6e-f252-4e38-55502bf4e1a5}'] function myfunc: int64; stdcall; end; function getimydebugmodule(usewsdl: boolean=system.false; addr: string=''; httprio: thttprio = nil): imydebugmodule; implementation uses sysutils; function getimydebugmodule(usewsdl: boolean; addr: string; httprio: thttprio): imydebugmodule; const defwsdl = 'c:\myworkingdir64\mytests\webservicedebug\client\imydebugmodulewsdl.xml'; defurl = 'http://devserver2008/bahaadebug/bahaadebug.dll/soap/imydebugmodule'; defsvc = 'imydebugmoduleservice'; defprt = 'imydebugmoduleport'; var rio: thttprio; begin result := nil; if (addr = '') begin if usewsdl addr := defwsdl else addr := defurl; end; if httprio = nil rio := thttprio.create(nil) else rio := httprio; try result := (rio imydebugmodule); if usewsdl begin rio.wsdllocation := addr; rio.service := defsvc; rio.port := defprt; end else rio.url := addr; if (result = nil) , (httprio = nil) rio.free; end; end; initialization { imydebugmodule } invregistry.registerinterface(typeinfo(imydebugmodule), 'urn:mydebugmoduleintf-imydebugmodule', ''); invregistry.registerdefaultsoapaction(typeinfo(imydebugmodule), 'urn:mydebugmoduleintf-imydebugmodule#myfunc'); end.
and test unit called function
unit unit1; interface uses winapi.windows, winapi.messages, system.sysutils, system.variants, system.classes, vcl.graphics, vcl.controls, vcl.forms, vcl.dialogs, imydebugmodulewsdl, vcl.stdctrls; type tform1 = class(tform) button1: tbutton; procedure button1click(sender: tobject); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var form1: tform1; implementation {$r *.dfm} procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); var w:imydebugmodule; i:integer; begin w := getimydebugmodule(true,'',nil); := w.myfunc; caption := inttostr(i); end; end.
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