chromium - How can I get IHtmlDocument2 in chrome browser? -

in internet explorer, can use ihtmldocument2 html document.

function getcurrentbrowserdom: widestring; var   hr: hresult;   currentie: iwebbrowser2;   wnd: hwnd;   wndchild:hwnd;   document: idispatch;   rootnode: ihtmldocument2;   innerhtml: widestring; begin   result := '';   wnd := getforegroundwindow;   wndchild := findwindowex(wnd, 0,'frame tab', nil);   wndchild := findwindowex(wndchild, 0,'tabwindowclass', nil);   wndchild := findwindowex(wndchild, 0, 'shell docobject view', nil);   wndchild := findwindowex(wndchild, 0, 'internet explorer_server', nil);//find internet   coinitialize(nil);   try     hr := getiefromhwnd(wndchild, currentie);     if hr = s_ok     begin       document := currentie.document;       document.queryinterface(iid_ihtmldocument2, rootnode);       innerhtml := rootnode.body.innerhtml;     end;       couninitialize;   end; end;  function getiefromhwnd(whandle: hwnd; var ie: iwebbrowser2): hresult; type   tobjectfromlresult = function(lresult: lresult; const iid: tguid; wparam: wparam; out pobject): hresult; stdcall; var   hinst: hwnd;   lres: cardinal;   msg: integer;   pdoc: ihtmldocument2;   objectfromlresult: tobjectfromlresult; begin    hinst := loadlibrary('oleacc.dll');   @objectfromlresult := getprocaddress(hinst, 'objectfromlresult');   if @objectfromlresult <> nil begin     try       msg := registerwindowmessage('wm_html_getobject');       sendmessagetimeout(whandle, msg, 0, 0, smto_abortifhung, 1000, lres);       result := objectfromlresult(lres, ihtmldocument2, 0, pdoc);       result := getlasterror;       if result = s_ok         (pdoc.parentwindow iserviceprovider).queryservice(iwebbrowserapp, iwebbrowser2, ie);           freelibrary(hinst);     end; end; 

i used spy++ chrome frame handle, , found them.

  wnd := getforegroundwindow;   wndchild := findwindowex(wnd, 0, 'chrome_widgetwin_0', nil);   wndchild := findwindowex(wndchild, 0, 'chrome_renderwidgethosthwnd', nil);   wndchild := findwindowex(wndchild, 0, 'compositorhostwindowclass', nil); 

but can't catch result in function called objectfromlresult.

objectfromlresult(lres, ihtmldocument2, 0, pdoc); 

the error code got 127.

does mean chrome browser not support way fetch html document?

if answer yes, there way catch it?

thanks lot.

ps: have tried use msaa tree, didn't work too.(can fetch title)

this not possible, ihtmldocument2 interface supported in ie hosting objects, webkit engine used in chrome doesn't support it. can use msaa access elements, need enable accessibility feature first:

or alternatively can access dom via remote debugging protocol:


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