zend framework - Create model instance in Form in ZF2 like ZF1? -
in zf1 possible create instance of model , access properties form class.`
class application_form_drydepot extends zend_form { $model = new application_model_dbtable_drydepotmodel(); $list = $model ->formationselect(); array_unshift($list, array('key' => '', 'value' => '--please select--')); $id = new zend_form_element_hidden('id'); $id->addfilter('int') ->setdecorators($this->elementdecoration); $formation = new zend_form_element_select('formation_id'); $formation->setlabel('formation name') ->setrequired(true) ->setattrib('id', 'formation') ->setattrib('class', 'required') ->addvalidator('notempty', true) ->setmultioptions($list) ->setdecorators($this->elementdecoration); }
in here $model directly possible call use zf2 quite difficult. not successfull it. in zf2 how do same operation.
another ways here : the documentation
programmatic form creation
zf2 coding close zf1
use zend\captcha; use zend\form\element; use zend\form\form; $captcha = new element\captcha('captcha'); $captcha ->setcaptcha(new captcha\dumb()) ->setlabel('please verify human'); $form = new form('my-form'); $form->add($captcha);
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