Excel VBA If Then Loop conditions -
i've been struggling few days. appreciated!
it's difficult explain, i'll best.
what i'm trying count number of results each query has , categorize them based on result count.
for example if query_a has 1 exact result , query_z has 1 exact result total of 2 queries have 1 result.
i'm trying use loop if statements, i'm @ loss.
here example data , output hoping for: query_example_data_and_results.xlsx - not real spreadsheet thousands of rows of data , large file size.
the code below pull query count (removing query dupes), not give query result count.. have provide code attempts, know i'm not close... have removed failed attempts hoping i'm being clear enough steered in right direction.
sub query_count() g_40 = 0 query = "" application.statusbar = " ~~ ~~ query count ~~ running ~~ ~~ " & x x = 2 until sheets(1).cells(x, 1) = "" if sheets(1).cells(x, 9) = "yes" if query <> sheets(1).cells(x, 1) g_40 = g_40 + 1 end if end if query = sheets(1).cells(x, 1) x = x + 1 loop application.statusbar = "done running query count of " & x & " rows!" g = 40 sheets(3).cells(g, 7) = g_40 'query_count: end sub
thank in advance!
based on example code job:
option explicit sub getresults() application.screenupdating = false dim ws1 worksheet, ws2 worksheet, lr& set ws1 = thisworkbook.sheets("example_query_data") set ws2 = thisworkbook.sheets("example_results") lr = ws1.range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row dim arr() string, i&, j&, cnt& dim varr() string cnt = 0 redim arr(lr - 2) = 2 lr arr(i - 2) = cstr(ws1.range("a" & i).value) ' fill array next call removeduplicate(arr) 'remove duplicate redim varr(0 ubound(arr), 0 1) = lbound(arr) ubound(arr) varr(i, 0) = arr(i) varr(i, 1) = getcount(arr(i), ws1, j, lr) next call preptable(ws2) call updatetable(ws2, ws1, varr, j, lr) ' update table application.screenupdating = true end sub function getcount(qname$, byref ws1 worksheet, byref i&, lr&) dim count& count = 0 = 2 lr if (strcomp(cstr(ws1.range("a" & i).value), qname, vbtextcompare) = 0) , _ (strcomp(cstr(ws1.range("c" & i).value), "yes", vbtextcompare) = 0) count = count + 1 next getcount = count ' return count end function sub updatetable(byref ws worksheet, byref ws2, byref arr() string, byref i&, lr&) dim tbliter& tbliter = 2 12 = lbound(arr) ubound(arr) if arr(i, 1) = tbliter - 1 ws.range("b" & tbliter).value = ws.range("b" & tbliter).value + 1 end if next next tbliter call elevenandmore(ws, ws2, arr, lr, i) end sub sub preptable(ws worksheet) ws.range("b2:b12").clearcontents end sub sub elevenandmore(byref ws worksheet, byref ws2, byref arr() string, lr&, byref i) dim cnt&, j& cnt = 0 = lbound(arr) ubound(arr) j = 1 lr if strcomp(cstr(ws2.range("a" & j).value), arr(i, 0), vbtextcompare) = 0 cnt = cnt + 1 end if next j if cnt > 10 ws.range("b12").value = ws.range("b12").value + 1 cnt = 0 next end sub sub removeduplicate(byref stringarray() string) dim lowbound$, upbound&, a&, b&, cur&, temparray() string if (not stringarray) = true exit sub ' empty? lowbound = lbound(stringarray) upbound = ubound(stringarray) redim temparray(lowbound upbound) cur = lowbound ' first item temparray(cur) = stringarray(lowbound) = lowbound + 1 upbound b = lowbound cur if lenb(temparray(b)) = lenb(stringarray(a)) if instrb(1, stringarray(a), temparray(b), vbbinarycompare) = 1 exit end if next b if b > cur cur = b: temparray(cur) = stringarray(a) next redim preserve temparray(lowbound cur) ' resize stringarray = temparray ' copy end sub
post-comment edit: change these three:
add +28 tbliter
sub updatetable(byref ws worksheet, byref ws2, byref arr() string, byref i&, lr&) dim tbliter& tbliter = 2 12 = lbound(arr) ubound(arr) if arr(i, 1) = tbliter - 1 ws.range("b" & tbliter + 28).value = ws.range("b" & tbliter + 28).value + 1 end if next next tbliter call elevenandmore(ws, ws2, arr, lr, i) end sub
simply change location b40
sub elevenandmore(byref ws worksheet, byref ws2, byref arr() string, lr&, byref i) dim cnt&, j& cnt = 0 = lbound(arr) ubound(arr) j = 1 lr if strcomp(cstr(ws2.range("a" & j).value), arr(i, 0), vbtextcompare) = 0 cnt = cnt + 1 end if next j if cnt > 10 ws.range("b40").value = ws.range("b40").value + 1 cnt = 0 next end sub
and prep table change range
sub preptable(ws worksheet) ws.range("b30:b40").clearcontents end sub
and should do!
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