mysql - while loop with form with checkbox php not updating based on database details -
i have while loop display information correctly, want checkbox allowing me mark each member of loop completed in database, don't know start , appreciate help.
below how far am, generating loop correctly , displaying checkbox not being set completed on loading?
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $task_name = $row['task_name'] ; $task_description = $row['task_description']; $task_completed = $row['completed']; $tasks .= '<div id="tasksbody"><form action="" method="post">completed? <input name="completed" type="checkbox" if ($task_completed == 1){checked="checked"} /><input type="submit" value="update"><br /><br /><b>'.$task_name.'</b><br /><br />'.$task_description.'<hr><br /></form></div>'; } }
any advice appreciated
you cannot write raw php code in string , hope it's executed. inline cannot use if
, have use ternary operator.
$tasks .= '<div id="tasksbody"> <form action="" method="post">completed? <input name="completed" type="checkbox" '. ($task_completed == 1?'checked="checked"':''). ' /><input type="submit" value="update"> <br /><br /> <b>'.$task_name.'</b><br /><br />'.$task_description.'<hr><br /></form></div>';
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