php - Symfony 1.4 style form field with errors -

i want change background color of field when error occurs.

in java struts, can this:

<s:textfield name="parameter" cssclass="normal_css_class" csserrorclass="class_on_error" csserrorstyle="style_on error"/> 

i want able perform above. tag renders field csserrorclass when field parameter has errors. no more additional javascript required.

currently have following (very dirty) code in template:

<?php if($form['bill_to']->haserror()): ?>   <?php echo $form['bill_to']->render(array('style' => 'background-color: red')) ?> <?php else: ?>   <?php echo $form['bill_to']->render() ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo $form['bill_to']->rendererror() ?> 

the above code works there way implement have call:

<?php echo $form['bill_to']->render() ?> 

and perform setting of styles? i'm thinking of overriding render() method not sure if right approach.

you can extend sfwidgetformschemaformatter class this:

class sfwidgetformschemaformattercustom extends sfwidgetformschemaformatter {     protected         $rowformat                  = "<div class=\"%row_class%\">%label% %field% %hidden_fields% %help%</div>",         $helpformat                 = "%help%",         $errorrowformat             = "",         $errorlistformatinarow      = "\n%errors%\n",         $errorrowformatinarow       = "<span class=\"error\">%error%</span>\n",         $namederrorrowformatinarow  = "%error%\n",         $decoratorformat            = "%content%";       public function formatrow($label, $field, $errors = array(), $help = '', $hiddenfields = null)     {         $row = parent::formatrow(             $label,             $field,             $errors,             $help,             $hiddenfields         );          return strtr($row, array(             '%row_class%' => (count($errors) > 0) ? ' error' : '',         ));     } }// decorator class 

and apply form inside it's configure() method this:

class myform extends sfform {     public function configure()     {         // ....           $formatter = new sfwidgetformschemaformattercustom($this->widgetschema);         $this->widgetschema->addformformatter('custom', $formatter);         $this->widgetschema->setformformattername('custom');     } } 


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