c# - Launch ExceptionValidationRule from specific context -
i have class client :
public class client : inotifypropertychanged { private string m_strcode; public string strcode { { return m_strcode; } set { if (codeisvalide(strcode)) { m_strcode = value; firepropertychangedevent("strcode"); } else { throw new applicationexception("bad data !"); } firepropertychangedevent("strcode"); } } private string m_strname; public string strname { { return m_strname; } set { if (nameisvalide(strname)) { m_strname = value; firepropertychangedevent("strname"); } else { throw new applicationexception("bad data! "); } firepropertychangedevent("strname"); } } public client(string code, string name) { strcode = code; strname = name; } public client() { } public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged; private void firepropertychangedevent(string propertyname) { if (propertychanged != null) { propertychanged(this, new propertychangedeventargs(propertyname)); } } }
on wpf window, have 2 textbox : on client.strcode, , other client.strnom.
here xaml :
<textbox x:name="textbox_code" horizontalalignment="left" height="25" margin="106,230,0,0" textwrapping="wrap" verticalalignment="top" width="78"> <textbox.text> <binding path="strcode" updatesourcetrigger="propertychanged"> <binding.validationrules> <exceptionvalidationrule /> </binding.validationrules> </binding> </textbox.text> </textbox> <textbox x:name="textbox_name" horizontalalignment="left" height="25" margin="106,230,0,0" textwrapping="wrap" verticalalignment="top" width="78"> <textbox.text> <binding path="strname" updatesourcetrigger="propertychanged"> <binding.validationrules> <exceptionvalidationrule /> </binding.validationrules> </binding> </textbox.text> </textbox>
the data input verifiyng validationprocess. if validation false, appear warning label near textbox.
my problem : if load bad data ( database) collection of client object. load use set() of strcode , strname, and, if data bad, exceptionvalidationrule cannot throwing ( think it's because exceptionvalidationrule not invoked textbox binded). ( i'm not english, it's not esay explain sorry).
i think need specify when want invoke verifiy process.
anyone have advices please ?
if want, create sample vs project in order share problem.
edit : if use custom validator class, ok !
just question, in order force validation test, need this, when select line in datagrid :
private void mydatagrid_selectedcellschanged(object sender, selectedcellschangedeventargs e) { // affiche le code évt sélectionné dans le tableau, dans les champs modifiable ( en haut de l'écran ) var item = mydatagrid.selecteditem client; if ((item != null)) { textbox_code.text = item.strcode; textbox_name.text = item.strname; } }
textbox_code.text = item.strcode; textbox_name.text = item.strname;
if remove 2 line, textbox corectly initialized because of binding, validation process not invoked. why ? there way force the validation process , use full binding whitout :
textbox_code.text = item.strcode; textbox_name.text = item.strname;
thanks :)
thanks lot :)
best regards,
nixeus :)
well if understand requiring correctly,
you not want exceptions raised if property set apart xaml view.
my preferred solution not use exceptionvalidationrule
@ , prefer custom validationrule
. solve issue. example shows how create , use such feature.
example custom validation rule:
public class coderangerule : validationrule { public override validationresult validate(object value, cultureinfo cultureinfo) { int strcode = -1; if (value != null && !int32.tryparse(value.tostring(), out strcode)) return new validationresult(false, "illegal strcode"); if (strcode < 9999 && strcode > 0) // modify suit validity conditions return new validationresult(true, null); return new validationresult(false, "strcode not within acceptable code range"); } }
and xaml:
<textbox x:name="textbox_code" horizontalalignment="left" height="25" margin="106,230,0,0" textwrapping="wrap" verticalalignment="top" width="78"> <textbox.text> <binding path="strcode" updatesourcetrigger="propertychanged"> <binding.validationrules> <local:coderangerule /> </binding.validationrules> </binding> </textbox.text> </textbox>
if not want use custom validationrule
whatever reason, can keep exceptionvalidationrule
in view , either add try catch before calling setter database load or in your
public class client : inotifypropertychanged
add property(say enum values kdatabaseload
, kview
) indicate if object worked on view / database. in setter of strcode
, strname
check if enum kview
before throwing exception.
now when database load , create client
objects assign it's enum kdatabaseload
before setting strname
, strcode
. make sure switch enum kview
once done load.
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