specs2 - A simple Scala Given/When/Then style specification failed -

i new spec2, , trying learn it. come following codes,

@runwith(classof[junitrunner]) class gwtstylespec extends specification {     "a given-when-then example addition" ^        "given following number: ${1}" ^ number1 ^        "and second number: ${2}" ^ number2 ^        "then should get: ${3}" ^ result ^      end    val number1: given[int] = (_: string).toint    val number2: when[int, (int, int)] = (n1: int) => (s: string) => (n1, s.toint)    val result: then[(int, int)] = (n: (int, int)) => (s: string) => ((n._1 + n._2) must_== s.toint) } 

after run it, got java.lang.exception: not instantiate class com.me.scala.start.gwtstylespec: null , lots of exception stack trace below it.

what did wrong this?

if importing org.specs2.specification there should def = ... method defined:

@runwith(classof[junitrunner]) class gwtstylespec extends specification { def =    "a given-when-then example addition" ^      "given following number: ${1}"        ^ number1 ^      "and second number: ${2}"               ^ number2 ^      "then should get: ${3}"                 ^ result ^                                                end   lazy val number1: given[int] = (_: string).toint   lazy val number2: when[int, (int, int)] = (n1: int) => (s: string) => (n1, s.toint)   lazy val result: then[(int, int)] = (n: (int, int)) => (s: string) => ((n._1 + n._2) must_== s.toint) } 

it possible vals not being instantiated can try using lazy vals.

note next specs2 version (1.15-snapshot) proposes another style of given/when/then specifications based on scala 2.10 features:

class givenwhentheninterpolatedspec extends specification givenwhenthen { def = sequential ^ s2"""                      given-when-then example calculator                                                                                      given following number: 1                             $anumber                                                            , second number: 2                                    $anumber                                                            , third number: 6                                     $anumber                                                            when use operator: +                               $operator                                                           should get: 9                                      $result                                                             , should >: 0                                     $greaterthan                                                       multiplication                                                                                                     given following number: 4                             $anumber                                                            , second number: 5                                    $anumber                                                            , third number: 6                                     $anumber                                                            when use operator: *                               $operator                                                           should get: 120                                    $result                                                             , should >: 10                                    $greaterthan                                                        not should >: 150                                  $lowerthan                                                                                                                    """                                                                 val readint = groupas("\\d+")                                                                                                 val readoperator = readas(".*: (.)$")                                                                                         val anumber: given[int] = readint , { s: string => s.toint }                                                                 // when there many given[t, s] consecutive steps, possible follow them when[seq[t], s]                val operator: when[seq[int], operation] = readoperator , { (numbers: seq[int]) => (s: string) => operation(numbers, s) }     val result: then[operation] = readint andthen { (operation: operation) => (s: string) =>                                        operation.calculate  must_== s.toint                                                                                        }                                                                                                                             val greaterthan: then[operation] = readint andthen { (operation: operation) => (s: string) =>                                   operation.calculate  must be_>= (s.toint)                                                                                   }                                                                                                                             val lowerthan: then[operation] = readint andthen { (operation: operation) => (s: string) =>                                     operation.calculate  must be_<= (s.toint)                                                                                   }                                                                                                                              case class operation(numbers: seq[int], operator: string) {                                                                     def calculate: int = if (operator == "+") numbers.sum else numbers.product                                                  }                                                                                                                            }                                                                                                                             


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