Convert lat long to X Y coordinates C++ -
this question has answer here:
- convert lat/longs x/y co-ordinates 4 answers
i have vector full of lat long coordinates in format
82.0000000, -180.0000000
i trying convert them x , y coordinate plot them map using code, far can see right...
double testclass::getx(double lon) { // convert long x coordinate (2043 = map width) double x = lon; // scale x = x * 2043.0 / 360.0; // center x += 2043.0/2.0; return x; }
double testclass::gety(double lat) { // convert lat y coordinate (1730 = map height) double y = -1 * lat; // scale y = y * 1730.0 / 180.0; // center y += 1730.0/2.0; return y; }
however when plotted on map can see points resemble world map off x amount , think scaling
any ideas?
ok found answer
double testclass::getx(double lon, int width) { // width map width double x = fmod((width*(180+lon)/360), (width +(width/2))); return x; } double testclass::gety(double lat, int height, int width) { // height , width map height , width double pi = 3.14159265359; double latrad = lat*pi/180; // y value double mercn = log(tan((pi/4)+(latrad/2))); double y = (height/2)-(width*mercn/(2*pi)); return y; }
so yea works when using mercator map
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