networking - Benefit of small TCP receive window? -

i trying learn how tcp flow control works when came across concept of receive window.

my question is, why tcp receive window scale-able? there advantages implementing small receive window size?

because understand it, larger receive window size, higher throughput. while smaller receive window, lower throughput, since tcp wait until allocated buffer not full before sending more data. doesn't make sense have receive window @ maximum @ times have maximum transfer rate?

my question is, why tcp receive window scale-able?

there 2 questions there. window scaling ability multiply scale power of 2 can have window sizes > 64k. rest of question indicates asking why resizeable, answer 'so application can choose own receive window size'.

are there advantages implementing small receive window size?

not really.

because understand it, larger receive window size, higher throughput.

correct, bandwidth-delay product. beyond that, increasing has no effect.

while smaller receive window, lower throughput, since tcp wait until allocated buffer not full before sending more data. doesn't make sense have receive window @ maximum @ times have maximum transfer rate?

yes, bandwidth-delay product (see above).

a small receive window ensures when packet loss detected (which happens on high collision network),

no doesn't. simulations show if packet loss gets above few %, tcp becomes unusable.

the sender not need resend lot of packets.

it doesn't happen that. there aren't advantages small window sizes except lower memory occupancy.


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