javascript - jquery-autocomplete how to trigger the “autocomplete” event with send the value (the request value) -
i want trigger “autocomplete” event sorce, , send value set in textbox.
i want user typing value , trigger autocomplete, tried alot examples found didn't send value, , need send value!!
this example dosn't me, because need request (like type it)
$("#companylist").autocomplete({ source : yoursource, change : yourchangehandler }); $("#companylist").data("autocomplete")._trigger("change");
i hope understand me.
if understand (i'm not sure).
you have go costum:
$('.input_text_forms').keyup(function(event){ });
that fires:
var data = $('#lang_pass_threw').val(); $.post('auto_fill.php', { data: data }, function(response) { });
when request returned:
var arr = string.split("");
now call timeout function , set result value...
here example: jsfiddle
this example bit buggy, there cursor position set.. , backspace event undo autocomplete etc, let me know if need , i'll tune script bit.
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