vb.net - Sending PictureBox Contents to MsPaint -
how go sending contents of picturebox edited in paint? i've thought of saving temporarily sending temp address loaded, i'd think cause minor saving issues.
unfortunately i'm providing answer in c# @ time. luckily, syntax , not content have change.
assuming picturebox control, take contents (as bitmap) , put on clipboard. can paste mspaint you'd sendmessage or sendkeys if make foreground, etc.
bitmap bmp = new bitmap(picturebox1.image); clipboard.setdata(system.windows.forms.dataformats.bitmap, bmp);
a poor example, optional opening of mspaint , waiting appear, using sendkeys paste.
[dllimport("user32.dll", setlasterror = true)] public static extern intptr findwindowex(intptr parenthandle, intptr childafter, string classname, string windowtitle); [dllimport("user32.dll")] private static extern intptr getforegroundwindow(); [dllimport("user32.dll")] [return: marshalas(unmanagedtype.bool)] static extern bool setforegroundwindow(intptr hwnd); private static void testsendpicturetomspaint() { bitmap bmp = new bitmap(picturebox1.image); clipboard.setdata(system.windows.forms.dataformats.bitmap, bmp); //optional#1 - open mspaint //var proc = process.start("mspaint"); intptr mspaint = intptr.zero; //while (mspaint == intptr.zero) //optional#1 - if opening mspaint yourself, wait appear mspaint = findwindowex(intptr.zero, new intptr(0), "mspaintapp", null); setforegroundwindow(mspaint); //optional#2 - if not opening mspaint intptr currforeground = intptr.zero; while (currforeground != mspaint) { thread.sleep(250); //sleep before exit loop , send currforeground = getforegroundwindow(); } sendkeys.sendwait("^v"); }
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