sqlite - Join tables in android -
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i have 3 tables in sqllite database 2 config tables , 1 main table data stored. how retrive data main table joining 2 tables in android, how , perform join operations.
can guide me.
you can execute rawquery.
example this:
db.rawquery("select a.* table_1 inner join table_2 b on a.id=b.anyid inner join table_3 c on b.id= c.anyid c.key = ?", new string[]{"test"});
the first parameter query want execute. keys want add query add ?
in query.
second parameter string array. in array put keys, example given above value test
it's possible use rawquery update
, insert
or delete
example 1 simple update query:
db.rawquery("update table_1 set fielda = ?, fieldb = ? id = ?", new string[]{"test", "test2", "1"});
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