MATLAB: set title of non-java command window -
how set command window title matlab window launched without desktop , without java?
- matlab ver of primary interest: 2012a & later
- os needed: windows (xp) primarily; more general preferred
- ideal solution: sets title in resulting window produced "mat" function described below.
- alternate solution: set command window title in window produced "matj" function described below.
i have anonymous functions launch "barebones matlab" windows (each executing main matlab window's terminal.
mat = @(scmd) system(['matlab.exe -nodesktop -nosplash -nojvm -r "' scmd ';" &']); matj = @(scmd) system(['matlab.exe -nodesktop -nosplash -r "' scmd ';" &']);
the "matj" window more ram-memory intensive produced "mat".
i aware of techniques set title in java-enabled windows, such following (which, curiously, did not work in "matj" window):
cmdtitle = @(st) com.mathworks.mde.desk.mldesktop.getinstance.getclient('command window').gettoplevelancestor.settitle(st)
why need this/what i'm doing this
i divvy memory-intensive non-plotting matlab tasks these barebones-windows "master" matlab window (fully loaded java & other bells/whistles). setting title these allow me give them visual tag regarding window's assigned task.
also, helpful able expand displayed-text buffer in these barebones windows (it seems they're limited ~500 lines on computer). work-around title-setting issue display string terminal once barebones window displays, limited buffer prevents first line persisting.
suggestions on better/alternate ways achieve these objectives appreciated, time in reading/answering. thank & day.
by sounds of doing akin batch processing. may want matlab parallel computing toolbox. more recent versions of & matlab allow treat computer mini compute-cluster , fire off batch jobs solve problem neatly.
alternatively, if haven't got license go windows api route setting window title, , wrap in mexfunction. since interesting have hacked code this:
//include windows api functions #include <windows.h> //include matlab mex function stuff #include "mex.h" dword processid; //the process id of current matlab //callback function, bit sets window text bool callback settitleenum( hwnd hwnd, lparam lparam ) { dword dwid ; //get process of window called on getwindowthreadprocessid(hwnd, &dwid); //if our matlab instance, set title text if(dwid == processid) setwindowtext(hwnd, (const char*) lparam); return true; } void mexfunction(int nlhs, mxarray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxarray *prhs[]) { //get process id of instance of matlab processid = getcurrentprocessid(); if (nrhs > 0) { //if have been given title char * title = mxarraytostring(prhs[0]); //get char* string //get open windows , call settitleenum function on them enumwindows((wndenumproc)settitleenum, (lparam) title); mxfree(title);//free title string. } }
i compiled above code in matlab using visual studio 2010 express , worked fine me, both in restricted command line version , normal full desktop matlab.
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