objective c - Removing Sprites From NSMutable Array -
i working on cocos2d project , want work array of sprites.
i create array:
nsmutablearray *ssprites;
then add stuff in init method:
ccsprite *obssprite = [ccsprite spritewithfile:@"/users/desktop/programs/physics test/physics test/resources/icon-small@2x.png"]; obssprite.position=ccp(position,5); [self addchild: obssprite]; [ssprites addobject: obssprite];
then later want remove sprites:
for( int i=0; i<[ssprites count];i++) { ccsprite *spr = (ccsprite *) [ssprites objectatindex:i]; if(yes) { //this test, actual program uses actual condition [spr removefromparentandcleanup: yes]; [ssprites removeobjectatindex:i]; } }
but reason sprites staying on screen. how should fix code remove sprites?
as joe mentioned in comment looping through array of sprites , removing them in loop itsels. so, first time remove object @ index 0 , increment i
1, "points" object @ index 2 in original array (the 1 @ index 1 before @ index 0). seems me removing every second object?
regardless of issue, never idea delete elements array looping through. need array @ all? if used ccnode's children array (from code seems every sprite added parent , own array of sprites).
you can see in action simple code
nsmutablearray *ssprites = [nsmutablearray arraywithobjects:@"obj1", @"obj2", @"obj3", @"obj4", @"obj5", nil]; for(int = 0; < [ssprites count]; i++) { nsstring *spr = (nsstring *) [ssprites objectatindex:i]; nslog(@"removing %@", spr); [ssprites removeobjectatindex:i]; }
i suggest change code this
nsmutablearray *spritestoremove = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; (ccsprite *spr in ssprites) { if (yes) // condition goes here { // remove sprite parent here. [spr removefromparentandcleanup:yes]; // however, leave "spr" in ssprites array - "mark" deletion. [spritestoremove addobject:spr]; } } [ssprites removeobjectsinarray:spritestoremove];
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