Make Coverflow appear like a Horizontal Gallery Android -
i trying make coverflow below appear horizontal gallery. original file looks
there 3 classes
the coverflow.class extends gallery
public class coverflow extends gallery { private camera mcamera = new camera(); private int mmaxrotationangle = 50; private int mmaxzoom = -380; private int mcoveflowcenter; private boolean malphamode = true; private boolean mcirclemode = false; public coverflow(context context) { super(context); this.setstatictransformationsenabled(true); } public coverflow(context context, attributeset attrs) { super(context, attrs); this.setstatictransformationsenabled(true); } public coverflow(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyle) { super(context, attrs, defstyle); this.setstatictransformationsenabled(true); } public int getmaxrotationangle() { return mmaxrotationangle; } public void setmaxrotationangle(int maxrotationangle) { mmaxrotationangle = maxrotationangle; } public boolean getcirclemode() { return mcirclemode; } public void setcirclemode(boolean iscircle) { mcirclemode = iscircle; } public boolean getalphamode() { return malphamode; } public void setalphamode(boolean isalpha) { malphamode = isalpha; } public int getmaxzoom() { return mmaxzoom; } public void setmaxzoom(int maxzoom) { mmaxzoom = maxzoom; } private int getcenterofcoverflow() { return (getwidth() - getpaddingleft() - getpaddingright()) / 2 + getpaddingleft(); } private static int getcenterofview(view view) { return view.getleft() + view.getwidth() / 2; } protected boolean getchildstatictransformation(view child, transformation t) { final int childcenter = getcenterofview(child); final int childwidth = child.getwidth(); int rotationangle = 0; t.clear(); t.settransformationtype(transformation.type_matrix); if (childcenter == mcoveflowcenter) { transformimagebitmap((imageview) child, t, 0); } else { rotationangle = (int) (((float) (mcoveflowcenter - childcenter) / childwidth) * mmaxrotationangle); if (math.abs(rotationangle) > mmaxrotationangle) { rotationangle = (rotationangle < 0) ? -mmaxrotationangle : mmaxrotationangle; } transformimagebitmap((imageview) child, t, rotationangle); } return true; } /** * called during layout when size of view has changed. if * added view hierarchy, you're called old * values of 0. * * @param w * current width of view. * @param h * current height of view. * @param oldw * old width of view. * @param oldh * old height of view. */ protected void onsizechanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { mcoveflowcenter = getcenterofcoverflow(); super.onsizechanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); } /** * transform image bitmap angle passed * * @param imageview * imageview imageview bitmap want rotate * @param t * transformation * @param rotationangle * angle rotate bitmap */ private void transformimagebitmap(imageview child, transformation t, int rotationangle) {; final matrix imagematrix = t.getmatrix(); final int imageheight = child.getlayoutparams().height; final int imagewidth = child.getlayoutparams().width; final int rotation = math.abs(rotationangle); mcamera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f); // angle of view gets less, zoom in if (rotation <= mmaxrotationangle) { float zoomamount = (float) (mmaxzoom + (rotation * 1.5)); mcamera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, zoomamount); if (mcirclemode) { if (rotation < 40) mcamera.translate(0.0f, 155, 0.0f); else mcamera.translate(0.0f, (255 - rotation * 2.5f), 0.0f); } if (malphamode) { ((imageview) (child)).setalpha((int) (255 - rotation * 2.5)); } } mcamera.rotatey(rotationangle); mcamera.getmatrix(imagematrix); imagematrix.pretranslate(-(imagewidth ), -(imageheight / 2)); imagematrix.posttranslate((imagewidth ), (imageheight / 2)); mcamera.restore(); }
the second class coverflowactivity class class
public class coverflowactivity extends activity { /** called when activity first created. */ @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); // setcontentview(r.layout.main); coverflow cf = new coverflow(this); imageadapter ia = new imageadapter(this); cf.setadapter(ia); cf.setanimationduration(1000); setcontentview(cf); } public class imageadapter extends baseadapter { private int[] mimgs = { r.drawable.img1, r.drawable.img2, r.drawable.img3, r.drawable.img4, r.drawable.img5, r.drawable.img6, r.drawable.img7, r.drawable.img8 }; context mcontext; public imageadapter(context context) { this.mcontext = context; } @override public int getcount() { return mimgs.length; } @override public object getitem(int position) { return position; } @override public long getitemid(int position) { return mimgs[position]; } @override public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { reflectionimage = new reflectionimage(mcontext); i.setimageresource(mimgs[position]); i.setlayoutparams(new coverflow.layoutparams(100, 100)); i.setscaletype(imageview.scaletype.center_inside); bitmapdrawable drawable = (bitmapdrawable) i.getdrawable(); drawable.setantialias(true); return i; } public float getscale(boolean focused, int offset) { return math.max(0, 1f/(float)math.pow(2, math.abs(offset))); } } }
and third activity reflected image below each image.
public class reflectionimage extends imageview { //是否为reflection模式 private boolean mreflectionmode = true; public reflectionimage(context context) { super(context); } public reflectionimage(context context, attributeset attrs) { super(context, attrs); //取得原始图片的bitmap并重画 bitmap originalimage = ((bitmapdrawable)this.getdrawable()).getbitmap(); doreflection(originalimage); } public reflectionimage(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyle) { super(context, attrs, defstyle); bitmap originalimage = ((bitmapdrawable)this.getdrawable()).getbitmap(); doreflection(originalimage); } public void setreflectionmode(boolean isref) { mreflectionmode = isref; } public boolean getreflectionmode() { return mreflectionmode; } //偷懒了,只重写了setimageresource,和构造函数里面干了同样的事情 @override public void setimageresource(int resid) { bitmap originalimage = bitmapfactory.decoderesource( getresources(), resid); doreflection(originalimage); //super.setimageresource(resid); } private void doreflection(bitmap originalimage) { final int reflectiongap = 4; //原始图片和反射图片中间的间距 int width = originalimage.getwidth(); int height = originalimage.getheight(); //反转 matrix matrix = new matrix(); matrix.prescale(1, -1); //reflectionimage就是下面透明的那部分,可以设置它的高度为原始的3/4,这样效果会更好些 bitmap reflectionimage = bitmap.createbitmap(originalimage, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, false); //创建一个新的bitmap,高度为原来的两倍 bitmap bitmapwithreflection = bitmap.createbitmap(width, (height + height), config.argb_8888); canvas canvasref = new canvas(bitmapwithreflection); //先画原始的图片 canvasref.drawbitmap(originalimage, 0, 0, null); //画间距 paint deafaultpaint = new paint(); canvasref.drawrect(0, height, width, height + reflectiongap, deafaultpaint); //画被反转以后的图片 canvasref.drawbitmap(reflectionimage, 0, height + reflectiongap, null); // 创建一个渐变的蒙版放在下面被反转的图片上面 paint paint = new paint(); lineargradient shader = new lineargradient(0, originalimage.getheight(), 0, bitmapwithreflection.getheight() + reflectiongap, 0x80ffffff, 0x00ffffff, tilemode.clamp); // set paint use shader (linear gradient) paint.setshader(shader); // set transfer mode porter duff , destination in paint.setxfermode(new porterduffxfermode(mode.dst_in)); // draw rectangle using paint our linear gradient canvasref.drawrect(0, height, width, bitmapwithreflection.getheight() + reflectiongap, paint); //调用imageview中的setimagebitmap this.setimagebitmap(bitmapwithreflection); } }
i want make appears gallery images must have 4 dp margin , appear center image without effects. can please me achieve this.
please try this:
private int mmaxrotationangle = 0;
coverflow cf = new coverflow(this); cf.setspacing(-30);
in coverflowactivity
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