c++ - need help fixing minor issues in my program -

so here code:

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector>  using namespace std;  class point { private:     double px;     double py;  public:     void setx(const double x);     void sety(const double y);     double getx() const;     double gety() const; };  class rectangle { private:     string name;     point blpoint;     double length, height;  public:     // member functions     void setname(const string & inname);     void setbottomleft(const double x, const double y);     void setdimensions(const double inlength, const double inheight);      string getname() const;     point getbottomleft() const;     double getlength() const;     double getheight() const;      double area() const;     double perimeter() const;     point midpoint() const;     void scaleby2();     void display() const; };  // function prototypes go here: void welcome(); bool read_rec(const string promptname, const string errorinvalid, const string errorused, string & inname, vector<rectangle> & list); void read_coord(const string promptpoint, double & x, double & y); void read_length(const string promptlength, double & inlength, double & inheight); void add_rec(const string name, double x, double y, double inlength, double inheight, vector<rectangle> & list);  int main() {     // define local variables, e.g. vector of class rectangle     rectangle rec;     vector<rectangle> list;     string prompt1stname = "enter name of first rectangle: ";     string promptname = "enter name of next rectangle: ";     string errorinvalid = "invalid input. type 'rec' following name or 'stop' if done.";     string errorused = "this name being used!";     string inname;     string name;      // display welcome banner welcome();      /* prompt user first rectangle or 'stop' */     bool read = read_rec(prompt1stname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list);      // while user input invalid     while (read == false)     {          // display "try again! "  cout << "try again! " << endl;          read = read_rec(prompt1stname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list);     }      // if user input not 'stop'         if (inname != "stop")     {         // extract rectangle name user input                 int = inname.length() - 4;         name = inname.substr(4, a);          // prompt bottom left point                 double x, y;         string promptpoint = "enter " + name + "'s bottom left x , y coords: ";         read_coord(promptpoint, x, y);          // prompt length , height                 double inlength, inheight;         string promptlength = "enter " + name + "'s length , height: ";         read_length(promptlength, inlength, inheight);          // add rectangle rectangle list         add_rec(name, x, y, inlength, inheight, list);     }     /* prompt user next rectangle or 'stop' */     // while user input not 'stop'         while (inname != "stop")     {         // display "thank you! " cout << "thank you! "; bool read = read_rec(promptname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list);          // while user input invalid while (read == false)         {              // display "try again! "                         cout << "try again! " << endl;             read = read_rec(promptname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list);         }              // if user input not 'stop'                     if (inname != "stop")         {                  // extract rectangle name user input                             int = inname.length() - 4;             name = inname.substr(4, a);                  // prompt bottom left point                             double x, y;             string promptpoint = "enter " + name + "'s bottom left x , y coords: ";             read_coord(promptpoint, x, y);                  // prompt length , height                             double inlength, inheight;             string promptlength = "enter " + name + "'s length , height: ";             read_length(promptlength, inlength, inheight);                   // add rectangle rectangle list             add_rec(name, x, y, inlength, inheight, list);         }     }      // if rectangle list not empty         if (list.size() != 0)     {         // display rectangles in rectangle list int rec_num = 0; int = 1; while (i< list.size()) {     rec_num++;     i++;  }             cout << "you have " << rec_num+1 << " rectangle(s) in list: ";             cout << endl;                  (int = 0; < list.size(); i++)         {             cout << "rectangle '" << list[i].getname() << "' : ";             list[i].display();             list[i].scaleby2();             cout << "     after scale 2: ";             list[i].display();             cout << endl;         }     }      // else     else         {         // display no rectangles in list                 cout << "you have no rectangles in list." << endl;     }    return 0; }  // function definitions go here: void welcome() {     cout << "welcome! create own list of rectangles." << endl;     cout << "you asked provide information each rectangle in list name." << endl;     cout << "type word 'stop' rectangle name when done." << endl;     cout << endl; }  bool read_rec(const string promptname, const string errorinvalid, const string errorused, string & inname, vector<rectangle> & list) {     cout << promptname;     getline(cin, inname);      if (inname == "stop")     {         return(true);     }     else if (inname.substr(0,4) != "rec ")     {         cout << errorinvalid;         return(false);     }     else     {         int j = 0;         (int = 0; < list.size(); i++)         {             if (inname == "rec " + list[i].getname())             {                 j = j+1;             }         }         if (j == 0)         {             return(true);         }         if (j != 0)         {             cout << errorused;             return(false);         }     } }  void read_coord(const string promptpoint, double & x, double & y) {     cout << promptpoint;     cin >> x;     cin >> y;     }  void read_length(const string promptlength, double & inlength, double & inheight) {     cout << promptlength;     cin >> inlength;     cin >> inheight;     cout << endl;      while (inlength <= 0 || inheight <= 0)     {         cout << "make length , height positive values. try again.";         cout << promptlength;         cin >> inlength;         cin >> inheight;         cout << endl;     } }  void add_rec(const string name, double x, double y, double inlength, double inheight, vector<rectangle> & list) {     rectangle rec;     rec.setname(name);     rec.setbottomleft(x, y);     rec.setdimensions(inlength, inheight);     list.push_back(rec); }  // class member function definitinos go here:  void point::setx(const double x) {     px = x; }  void point::sety(const double y) {     py = y; }  double point::getx() const {     return (px); }  double point::gety() const {     return (py); }  void rectangle::setname(const string & inname) {     name = inname; }  void rectangle::setbottomleft(const double x, const double y) {     blpoint.setx(x);     blpoint.sety(y); }  void rectangle::setdimensions(const double inlength, const double inheight) {     length = inlength;     height = inheight; }  string rectangle::getname() const {     return (name); }  point rectangle::getbottomleft() const {     return (blpoint); }  double rectangle::getlength() const {     return (length); }  double rectangle::getheight() const {     return (height); }  double rectangle::area() const {     // area = length * height     return(length * height); }  double rectangle::perimeter() const {     // perimeter = 2 * (length + height);     return(2 * (length + height)); }  point rectangle::midpoint() const {     point midpoint;     double mx = blpoint.getx() + 0.5 * length;     double = blpoint.gety() + 0.5 * height;     midpoint.setx(mx);     midpoint.sety(my);     return(midpoint); }  void rectangle::scaleby2() {     double midx = blpoint.getx() + 0.5 * length;     double midy = blpoint.gety() + 0.5 * height;     double newblpx = midx - length;     double newblpy = midy - height;     length = 2*length;     height = 2*height;     blpoint.setx(newblpx);     blpoint.sety(newblpy); }  void rectangle::display() const {     cout << " location (" << blpoint.getx() << ", " << blpoint.gety() << "), length " << length << ", height " << height << "; area " << area() << "; perimeter " << perimeter() << ", midpoint located @ (" << midpoint().getx() << ", " << midpoint().gety() << ")" << endl; } 

the problem's have program outputs "invalid input. type 'rec' following name or 'stop' if done.", , not know how change this. , when put in duplicate answer in rec fire , rec fire, rec fire being used , continue prompt rectangle instead of asking name. appreciated!!

this wrong

/* prompt user first rectangle or 'stop' */ bool read = read_rec(prompt1stname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list);  // while user input invalid while (read == false) {      // display "try again! "     cout << "try again! " << endl;     bool read = read_rec(prompt1stname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list); } 

you have two read variables, read variable in while condition referring read variable declared first, read variable declared second never used. want this

/* prompt user first rectangle or 'stop' */ bool read = read_rec(prompt1stname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list);  // while user input invalid while (read == false) {      // display "try again! "     cout << "try again! " << endl;     read = read_rec(prompt1stname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list); } 

now have 1 read variable. accounts second error describe think.

another way of coding this

for (;;) {     bool read = read_rec(prompt1stname, errorinvalid, errorused, inname, list);     if (read)         break;     cout << "try again! " << endl; } 

in view kind of loop better because doesn't have duplicated call read_rec, style of loop mistake made impossible.


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