Combination of fields_for block and non fields_for block in Rails 3.2 -

i'm trying create form combination of fields_for block , non fields_for block:

but outputs repeating, , looks they're looping...

maybe because, there fields_for block , other 1 not fields_for / form.

how can combine 2 of them inside <tbody> or <tr> tag.

<% @annual_procurement_plan.project_procurement_management_plans.each |ppmp| %>     <% ppmp.items.each |itemx| %>     <tbody>         <%= f.fields_for :project_procurement_management_plans |p| %>           <%= p.fields_for :items |item| %>                 <tr class="nested-fields info">                 <td>                <%= :category_id,{|c| [c.code,]}%>                </td>                                              <td>                        <%= content_tag :span, itemx.description%>                      </td>                     <td><%= p.text_field :pmo_end_user%>                      </td>          </tr>        <% end %>         <% end %>      </tbody>    <% end %> <% end %> 

any workarounds appreciated. thank you.

place iteration item in fields_for this

f.fields_for :project_procurement_management_plans, ppmp |p| 


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