ios - AFNetworking enqueRequestOperations triggers completion before all AFJSONRequestOperation completions are called -
afhttpclient *client = [[afhttpclient alloc] initwithbaseurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:@""]]; nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@""]; nsurlrequest *r = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:url]; afjsonrequestoperation *operation = [afjsonrequestoperation jsonrequestoperationwithrequest:r success:^(nsurlrequest *request, nshttpurlresponse *response, id json) { nslog(@" global stream: %@", json); } failure:nil]; afjsonrequestoperation *operation1 = [afjsonrequestoperation jsonrequestoperationwithrequest:r success:^(nsurlrequest *request, nshttpurlresponse *response, id json) { nslog(@" global stream: %@", json); } failure:nil]; [client enqueuebatchofhttprequestoperations:@[operation, operation1] progressblock:^(nsuinteger numberoffinishedoperations, nsuinteger totalnumberofoperations) { } completionblock:^(nsarray *operations) { nslog(@"%@", operations); }];
enqueuebatchofhttprequestoperations completion triggered before operation , operation1 blocks.
did read , tried possible fix dispatch_group it's still not work.
change code use afhttprequestoperation instead of afjsonrequestoperation , parse json manually using nsjsonserialization , find queue completion block fires after operations have completed required.
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