vhdl - 8 bit ALU for microprocessor -
i have project supposed develop risc microprocessor . involves creating alu in behavioral model . there seems problems/errors/warnings while simulating design . of operations work except following :
comparing 2 inputs : when numbers equal , 0 flag not getting set . ( unequal numbers working ) .
warning: there 'u'|'x'|'w'|'z'|'-' in arithmetic operand, result 'x'(es).
( appears every 1 ps , presumably due wait statement in process )
i wish work std_logic_vector, though read messy .
also, there problem when try use comparing commands ( update flags dont store difference in output register ) . how if commands executed in vhdl ?? executed @ same time ?? or line line ??
code below :
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity alu port( input1 , input2: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ) ; carryin : in std_logic ; zero,carryout : out std_logic ; output : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ) ; control : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ) ) ; end alu ; architecture operation of alu signal tmp : std_logic_vector( 8 downto 0 ) ; begin process begin if( control = "00110000" or control(7 downto 3 ) = "00001" ) tmp <= carryin & ( input1 , input2 ) ; elsif( control(7 downto 3 ) = "00010" ) tmp <= carryin & ( input1 or input2 ) ; elsif( control(7 downto 3 ) = "00011" ) tmp <= carryin & ( input1 xor input2 ) ; elsif( control(7 downto 3 ) = "00100" ) tmp <= conv_std_logic_vector( ( conv_integer(input1)+1 ) , 9 ) ; elsif( control(7 downto 3 ) = "00101" ) tmp <= conv_std_logic_vector( ( conv_integer(input1)-1 ) , 9 ) ; elsif( control = "10001100" ) tmp <= '0' & (not input1) ; elsif( control(7 downto 3 ) = "11000" or control(7 downto 2 ) = "110010" or control = "110-11--" ) tmp <= conv_std_logic_vector( ( conv_integer(input1)+conv_integer(input2) ) , 9 ) ; elsif( control(7 downto 3 ) = "11100" or control(7 downto 2 ) = "111010" or control = "111-11--" or control(7 downto 3 ) = "00000" or control = "00111000" ) tmp <= conv_std_logic_vector( ( conv_integer(input1)-conv_integer(input2) ) , 9 ) ; elsif( control(7 downto 3 ) = "11010" or control(7 downto 2 ) = "110110" ) tmp <= conv_std_logic_vector( ( conv_integer(input1)+conv_integer(input2)+conv_integer(carryin) ) , 9 ) ; elsif( control(7 downto 3 ) = "11110" or control(7 downto 2 ) = "111110" ) tmp <= conv_std_logic_vector( ( conv_integer(input1)-conv_integer(input2)-conv_integer(carryin) ) , 9 ) ; end if ; if ( tmp( 7 downto 0 ) = "00000000" ) 0 <= '1' ; else 0 <= '0' ; end if ; if( control(7 downto 3 ) = "00000" or control = "00111000" ) tmp( 7 downto 0 ) <= input1 ; end if ; output <= tmp( 7 downto 0 ) ; carryout <= tmp(8) ; wait 1 ps; end process ; end operation ;
testbench code
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity test_tb end test_tb; architecture behavior of test_tb component alu port( input1 , input2: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ) ; carryin : in std_logic ; zero,carryout : out std_logic ; output : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ) ; control : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ) ) ; end component ; signal i1,i2,ctrl,opt : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ) := "00000000" ; signal cin,cout,zero : std_logic := '0'; begin uut: alu port map ( i1,i2,cin,zero,cout,opt,ctrl ) ; stim_proc: process begin i1 <= "10000000" ; i2 <= "10000000" ; ctrl <= "11011010" ; cin <= '0' ; wait 5 ps; ctrl <= "00111000" ; wait 5 ps ; wait; end process; end;
unfortunately, piece of code doesn't expect:
control = "111-11--"
it compares control see if has 4th, 6th , 7th bits set -
, rather using them "don't care" matches! mind-boggling, that's way it's been specified work years :(
what want is
std_match(control, "111-11--")
which don't-care comparison expect.
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