c - Bubble sort not working at all, if statement not executing -
i'm working on program going used sort students test scores , retrieve mean, median, , mode of scores. strange reason bubble sort not working.. i'm unsure why.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define n 3 int main (void) { char vstudents[n][15], trans = 'y', vtemp2; int vscores[n], vtemp, x, = 0, j=0, newn; printf("\t\twhatsamatta u scores system\n\n"); { printf("please enter students name: "); gets(vstudents[i]); trans = 'n'; while (trans == 'n') { printf("enter students score: "); scanf("%d", &vscores[i]); fflush(stdin); if (vscores[i] >= 0 & vscores[i] <= 100) trans = 'y'; else printf("score invalid, please re-enter score.\n"); } i++; j++; } while (j != n); for(x = 0; x < n - 1; x++) { if ((x < n - 1) && (vscores[i] > vscores[i + 1])) { vtemp = vscores[i]; vscores[i] = vscores[i + 1]; vscores[i + 1] = vtemp; x = -1; } } printf("%d %d %d\n\n", vscores[0], vscores[1], vscores[2]); system("pause"); return 0;
any useful, in advance!
at least 1 error:
for(x = 0; x < vscores[n] - 1; x++) { if ((x < vscores[n] - 1) && (vscores[n] > vscores[n + 1])) {
should be
for(x = 0; x <n - 1; x++) { if ((x < n - 1) && (vscores[n] > vscores[n + 1])) { //^^you should not compare index x array elements
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