javascript - Changing CSS from AngularJS -

dom changes angularjs controllers not practice. in application, after clicking on link, changing class of html element inside ngview. intended behaviour is, have 3 divs, , changing if middle 1 shown or not. doing controller. have read, doing dom manipulation should done in directive, mind not broad enough find solution. please, if have suggestion, glad.

use ng-class.


app = angular.module('myapp', []);  app.directive("click", function () {     return function(scope, element, attrs) {         element.bind("click", function() {             scope.boolchangeclass = !scope.boolchangeclass;             scope.$apply();         });     }; }); 

some html:

<div id="page">     <div>one</div>     <div ng-class="{'my-class':boolchangeclass}">two</div>     <div>three</div>     <button click>click me</button> </div> 

when click button, class of center div change depending on boolen value set within scope.


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