jsp - Java : download file outside server context -
i need save file , download file in directory outside server context. using apache tomacat
able in directory present in webapps directory of application
if directory structure follows,
--src --webcontent -- uploaddir -- myfile.txt
then able download in simply.
<a href="uploaddir/myfile.txt" target="_blank">download</a>
but, problem when file in other directory d:\\uploadedfile\\myfile.txt
then wont able download it, resource not in server context above.
i have file path uuid mapping, like,
d:\\uploadedfiles\\myfile.txt <-> some_uuid
then want file should downloaded, on click of following,
<a href="filedownloadservlet?ref_file=some_uuid">download</a>
so, how make file downloadable when outside server context, heard getresourceasstream()
method , 1 me on how this, simple code snippet?
try below code can write in filedownloadservet. fetch file name request parameter , read , write file.
if need security checks before processing request.
file file = new file("/home/files", "file name user wants download"); response.setcontenttype(getservletcontext().getmimetype(file.getname())); response.setcontentlength(file.length()); bufferedinputstream inputstream = null; bufferedoutputstream outputstream = null; try { inputstream = new bufferedinputstream(new fileinputstream(file)); outputstream = new bufferedoutputstream(response.getoutputstream()); byte[] buf = new byte[2048]; int len; while ((len = inputstream.read(buf)) > 0) { outputstream.write(buf, 0, len); } } { if (outputstream != null) { try { outputstream.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { //log } } // same input stream }
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