php - zend framework2 proper way to basic login authentication -

i'm learning zend2. first attempt create secured application basic login form. first idea create common securedcontroller, checks user identity in constructor , redirects if necessary. saw solution zend1 , working:

class securedcontroller extends abstractactioncontroller {     function __construct()     {         $auth = new authenticationservice();          if ( $auth->hasidentity() ) {             return $this->redirect()->toroute("ts");         }          return $this->redirect()->toroute( "login" );     } } 

then extending other controllers used throughout appliation:

class maincontroller extends securedcontroller {     public function indexaction()     {         return new viewmodel();     } } 

i omitted logincontroller , indexcontroller(same maincontroller now), idea how set up. confing module looks this:

<?php  namespace main;  return array(     'controllers' => array(         'invokables' => array(             'main\controller\secured' => 'main\controller\common\securedcontroller',             'main\controller\login' => 'main\controller\logincontroller',             'main\controller\main' => 'main\controller\maincontroller',             'main\controller\index' => 'main\controller\indexcontroller',         ),     ),      'router' => array(         'routes' => array(             'home' => array(                 'type' => 'zend\mvc\router\http\literal',                 'options' => array(                     'route' => '/',                     'defaults' => array(                         'controller' => 'main\controller\index',                         'action' => 'index',                     ),                 ),             ),             'main' => array(                 'type' => 'segment',                 'options' => array(                     'route'    => '/ts[/][:action]',                     'constraints' => array(                         'action' => '[a-za-z][a-za-z0-9_-]*',                     ),                     'defaults' => array(                         'controller' => 'main\controller\main',                         'action'     => 'index',                     ),                 ),             ),             'login' => array(                 'type' => 'zend\mvc\router\http\literal',                 'options' => array(                     'route' => '/login',                     'defaults' => array(                         'controller' => 'main\controller\login',                         'action' => 'login',                     ),                 ),             ),             'logout' => array(                 'type' => 'zend\mvc\router\http\literal',                 'options' => array(                     'route' => '/logout',                     'defaults' => array(                         'controller' => 'main\controller\login',                         'action' => 'logout',                     ),                 ),             ),         ),     ),      'view_manager' => array(         'display_not_found_reason' => true,         'display_exceptions' => true,         'doctype' => 'html5',         'not_found_template' => 'error/404',         'exception_template' => 'error/index',         'template_map' => array(             'layout/login' => __dir__ . '/../view/layout/login.phtml',             'layout/layout' => __dir__ . '/../view/layout/layout.phtml',             'application/index/index' => __dir__ . '/../view/main/index/index.phtml',             'error/404' => __dir__ . '/../view/error/404.phtml',             'error/index' => __dir__ . '/../view/error/index.phtml',         ),         'template_path_stack' => array(             __dir__ . '/../view',         ),     ),      'doctrine' => array(         'driver' => array(             __namespace__ . '_driver' => array(                 'class' => 'doctrine\orm\mapping\driver\annotationdriver',                 'cache' => 'array',                 'paths' => array( __dir__ . '/../src/' . __namespace__ . '/entity' )             ),             'orm_default' => array(                 'drivers' => array(                     __namespace__ . '\entity' => __namespace__ . '_driver'                 )             )         )     ), ); 

but unfortunately not working have error:

url plugin requires controller event compose router; none found 

anyone has clue how implement scenario? securing whole aplication , redirecting /login route users without identity.

add in super controller.

namespace admin\controller;  use zend\mvc\controller\abstractactioncontroller; use zend\authentication\authenticationservice; ...  class admincontroller extends abstractactioncontroller {  public function ondispatch(\zend\mvc\mvcevent $e) {     /**      * verifica se o usuario se encontra logado, caso contrario redirecion ele para o login      */     $this->authservice = new authenticationservice();     if(!$this->authservice->hasidentity()){         $this->redirect()->toroute("login");     }         return parent::ondispatch($e); }  ... } 

i believe work in project design.


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