drop down menu - asp.net mvc How to add placeholder for html.dropdownlist -
i'm using asp.net mvc 3.
i have dropdownlist of countries , want add placeholder it. here's code:
@html.dropdownlist("country", new selectlist(viewbag.countries system.collections.ienumerable, "name", "name"), new { @class="chzn-select", @placeholder="-select-", @style="width:160px;" } )
but placeholder doesn't work, while style works.
how set placeholder this?
ps. want use @html.dropdownlist
, not @html.dropdownlistfor
in collection viewbag.countries insert dummy record @ of collection name "-select-". should able force selected item alternate constructor this:
@html.dropdownlist("country", new selectlist(viewbag.countries system.collections.ienumerable, "name", "name", "-select-"), new { @class="chzn-select", @style="width:160px;" } )
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