plsql - How to return table and additional local variable from oracle stored procedure? -

in stored procedure, need generate report workbench. need take record database tables(by using select query) directly, plus need add manipulated variables. have return resulted collection procedure sys_refcursor.

for example: have table emp(id, name). have variable job want return (,, job) procedure.

if can great. in advance.

it's easy enough combine pl/sql variable data table....

create or replace function get_some    return sys_refcursor     return_value sys_refcursor;     l_whatever varchar2(10) := 'job'; begin     open return_value         select emp_id, emp_name, l_whatever         your_table;     return return_value; end; / 

i suspect isn't mean. if teh case youi need edit question explain more you're doing. mean "some manipulated vriables (sic)". providing sample input , output helpful.


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