c# - INotifyPropertyChanged when binding to object itself instead of a property -

i'm doing binding in windows phone 8's wpf form. i've got list bound object itself:

{binding .} 

that object implements inotifypropertychanged interface. in scenario bind property on object:

{binding someproperty} 

i can call property changed event , list updated. however, in case i'm bound object itself, how can notify list object changed?

a short answer is...

1) if want update - , inotify... work - either need reorganize view-models bit - , bind property - of 'parent view model'.

2) or make 1 'temp property' - e.g.
public yourobject myself {get{return this;}set{}}

3) or in cases (depends on have) use multibinding {binding .} (this) , other property - 'notified' (the other property).

i've described in more details here (point #4)
refreshing value converter on inotifypropertychanged


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