Import Multiple CSV Files to SQL Server from a Folder -
i have folder called "dump." folder consists of variouos .csv files. folder location 'c:\dump'
i want import contents of these files sql server. want rough code along proper comments understand it.
i have tried few codes found on net. haven't quite worked out me strange reason.
the steps have are
step 1: copy file names in folder table
step 2: iterate through table , copy data files using bulk insert.
someone please me out on one. lot in advance :)
--bulk insert multiple files folder --a table loop thru filenames drop table allfilenames create table allfilenames(whichpath varchar(255),whichfile varchar(255)) --some variables declare @filename varchar(255), @path varchar(255), @sql varchar(8000), @cmd varchar(1000) --get list of files process: set @path = 'c:\dump\' set @cmd = 'dir ' + @path + '*.csv /b' insert allfilenames(whichfile) exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd update allfilenames set whichpath = @path whichpath null --cursor loop declare c1 cursor select whichpath,whichfile allfilenames whichfile '%.csv%' open c1 fetch next c1 @path,@filename while @@fetch_status <> -1 begin --bulk insert won't take variable name, make sql , execute instead: set @sql = 'bulk insert temp ''' + @path + @filename + ''' ' + ' ( fieldterminator = '','', rowterminator = ''\n'', firstrow = 2 ) ' print @sql exec (@sql) fetch next c1 @path,@filename end close c1 deallocate c1 --extras --delete allfilenames whichfile null --select * allfilenames --drop table allfilenames
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