exception handling - Propagating AccessDeniedException in Spring Security -
in web application using spring security , spring mvc. have secured couple of methods @secured
annotation , configured spring security in such way when 1 of methods accessed without proper role, user taken login page. however, not want behaviour when offending request comes ajax, implemented custom @exceptionhandler
annotated method determine request's context.
this exception handler:
@exceptionhandler(accessdeniedexception.class) public void handleaccessdeniedexception(accessdeniedexception ex, httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws exception { if (isajax(request)) { response.setstatus(httpservletresponse.sc_unauthorized); } else { throw ex; } }
this way can both handle exception myself (for example, log attempt of accessing @secured
method) , let spring part , redirect user login page rethrowing accessdeniedexception. also, when request comes ajax set response status sc_unauthorized
, handle error on client side. now, seems working fine, getting following error each time rethrow exception handleaccessdeniedexception
error org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.exceptionhandlerexceptionresolver - failed invoke @exceptionhandler method: public void app.controller.basecontroller.handleaccessdeniedexception(org.springframework.security.access.accessdeniedexception,javax.servlet.http.httpservletrequest,javax.servlet.http.httpservletresponse) throws java.lang.exception org.springframework.security.access.accessdeniedexception: @ app.controller.basecontroller.handleaccessdeniedexception(basecontroller.java:23) @ app.controller.basecontroller$$fastclassbycglib$$8f052058.invoke(<generated>) @ net.sf.cglib.proxy.methodproxy.invoke(methodproxy.java:191) (...)
i have not added exception handling specifics spring xml configuration files.
i not see issues app itself, error there , since quite new spring mvc , spring security, guessing not doing properly. suggestions? thanks!
your exception handler isn't supposed throw exception. it's supposed deal , send response. it's idea check code if error class see how behaves.
for non-ajax case, you'd better redirect response login page, if that's want. alternatively, can customize authenticationentrypoint
used spring security instead , omit accessdeniedexceptions
mvc handling. behaviour same defaul loginurlauthenticationentrypoint
extend return 403 when ajax request detected.
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