sql - Mysql stored function giving different results than original query (some conditions are not working) -
i have weird problem in mysql stored function. function returning different result if run query alone. here function:
delimiter $$ create definer=`admin`@`%` function `getaretention` (appid int(10), currentdate date) returns int(11) reads sql data deterministic begin return (select count(distinct userid) session (date(started) = currentdate , appid=appid)); end
here how call it:
select getaretention(5,date('2013-04-03'));
here alone query:
select count(distinct userid) session (date(started) = date('2013-04-03') , appid=5)
the function returning 2502 wrong. alone query returning 5, correct. also, if delete "and appid=5" alone query return 2502, means in stored function condition not working.
anyone have idea why? haven't used mysql while, missing something.
cannot distinguish between variable name , column name here.
name variable otherwise:
delimiter $$ create definer=`admin`@`%` function `getaretention` ( _appid int(10), _currentdate date ) returns int(11) reads sql data deterministic begin return ( select count(distinct userid) session appid = _appid , started >= _currentdate , started < _currentdate + interval 1 day ); end $$
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