image processing - Creating a Photoshop-like black and white filter for Matlab figures -
creating grayscale images matlab figures can big pain because have scale colormaps , color limits right gray colormap picks details. i've realized photoshop very, doing this. load in image , use black , white filter, , change levels of reds, greens, blues, etc. suit details of image. see below example
i think extremely useful have function 1 can call takes in same inputs photoshop requires. function might of form
function bwfilter(h, c)
where c matrix takes in input of red, green, cyan, etc. percentages, , h figure handle. upon running function, figure converted black , white , either kept matlab's .fig format, or if not possible, exported png, pdf, etc. perhaps using excellent export_fig function oliver woodford.
i'm not sure how go this. can advise? of course, if wants step challenge...
what this:
function stackexchange_rgb2gray_rygcbm % function imgray = rgb2gray_rygcbm(imgrgb,coefficients) % % imgrgb source rgb image % % coefficients vector of color coefficients % [red yellow green cyan blue magenta] % % 0.0 means corresponding color % not contribute resulting gray image % % 1.0 means corresponding color intensity % unchanged on resulting gray image % % values higher 1.0 might work if product % (maximal_color_intensity * color_coefficient) <= 1 % % rgb2gray_rygcbm(imgrgb,[1 1 1 1 1 1]) equivalent rgb2gray(imgrgb) % % author: andriy nych % date: 2013/04/19 % % check fed if length(coefficients)~=6 error('second argument must 6 elements long!'); end % extract color information image imghsv = rgb2hsv(imgrgb); imgh = imghsv(:,:,1); imgs = imghsv(:,:,2); imgv = imghsv(:,:,3); % prepare small stuff coefficients(coefficients<0) = 0; coefficients = [ coefficients(:)' coefficients(1) ]; rygcbm = linspace(0,1,7); % cook "magic" imghf = imgh; kk=1:6 iidx = (rygcbm(kk)<=imgh) & (imgh<rygcbm(kk+1)); tx = imgh(iidx); ty = coefficients(kk) + sin( (tx-rygcbm(kk))/(rygcbm(kk+1)-rygcbm(kk)) * pi/2 ).^2 * (coefficients(kk+1)-coefficients(kk)); imghf(iidx) = ty; end % apply "magic" imgv2 = imgv .* imghf; imgn = hsv2rgb( cat(3,imgh,imgs,imgv2) ); % , imgray = rgb2gray(imgn); end % shall test code % first generate rgb image figure; surf(peaks(64)); colormap(hsv(256)); f = getframe(gcf); close(gcf); imgrgb = f.cdata; % create simple gui , display results mm = 0.2; figure('color','w', 'units','normalized', 'position',[0 0 1 1]+[+1 +1 -2 -2]*mm); imggray = rgb2gray(imgrgb); a1 = subplot(1,2,1); h0 = imshow(imgrgb); axis on; title('original image'); a2 = subplot(1,2,2); h1 = imshow(imggray); axis on; title('rgb2gray'); mm = 0.05; set(a1, 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0]+[+1 +1 -2 -2]*mm ); set(a2, 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0]+[+1 +1 -2 -2]*mm ); pause(1); % convert original image different combination of coefficients coeffs = [0 0 0 0 0 0]; nsteps = 10; ic=1:6 % we'll change 1 coefficient @ time k=0:nsteps % modify coefficient coeffs(ic) = k/nsteps; % , use them image conversion imggray = rgb2gray_rygcbm(imgrgb,coeffs); % show result axis(a2); imshow(imggray); axis on; %set(h1,'cdata',imggray); title(a2, sprintf('r:%5.2f y:%5.2f g:%5.2f c:%5.2f b:%5.2f m:%5.2f',coeffs) ); drawnow; pause(.1); end end end
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