javascript - innerHTML adds text but not html tags -

first off sorry beginner question learned javascript , learning develop windows 8 apps. here code in question:

        var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];         id('numberlist').innerhtml = '<ul>';         (var x in numbers) {             id('numberlist').innerhtml += '<li>' + x + '</li>';         }         id('numberlist').innerhtml = '</ul>'; 

i have in "ready" function (for windows 8 developers) in js file , 'numberslist' refers section tag in body (of html file). list not show @ when running app. when try add text instead of list so

       id('numberlist').innerhtml = 'hello'; 

the text show up. there problem way trying insert html elements?

you can't add pieces of illegal html that. <ul> tag no </ul> illegal. build entire html string in string variable , add 1 piece of legal html or build individual dom elements, put content in them , add them dom.

further, don't iterate array for (var x in numbers) iterates properties of object, not array elements and, while work in circumstances, bad practice should not use.

you can fix errors , build single html string , add once @ end this:

    var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];     var str = '<ul>';     (var x = 0; x < numbers.length; x++) {         str += '<li>' + numbers[x] + '</li>';     }     str += '</ul>';     id('numberlist').innerhtml = str; 

for completeness, build individual dom elements:

    var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];     var ul = document.createelement("ul"), li, tx;     (var x = 0; x < numbers.length; x++) {         li = document.createelement("li");         tx = document.createtextnode(numbers[x]);         li.appendchild(tx);         ul.appendchild(li);     }     var parent = id('numberlist');     parent.innerhtml = "";     parent.appendchild(ul); 

you may want note code original wrote not retrieving array elements numbers[x], using array indexes x (which happen same content wouldn't notice difference in sample code). since that's not intended, want fix too.


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