java - How to identify Tenured Space -
i want build memorywarningsystem described in many articles: e.g. in
therefore, want identify tenured space this:
private memorypoolmxbean findtenuredgenpool() { (memorypoolmxbean pool : managementfactory.getmemorypoolmxbeans()) { if(pool tenured space) return tenured } }
i have seen 2 different ways identify tenured space
- check if pool name equals "ps old gen" and/or "tenured gen".
- check whether "
pool.gettype() == memorytype.heap && pool.isusagethresholdsupported()
problem 1: cms old gen? other tenured spaces? should add of them list of tenured names?
problem 2: "safe" way of retrieving tenured space? reliable?
for hotspot jvm possible memory pool name old space
tenured gen
ps old gen
cms old gen
g1 old gen
for jrockit
old space
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